Blog Awards & Bling
and I've decided to pass along the cookies here
to anyone who happens to see this post and add a comment.

13. This award came from Lucy at Diamonds in the Sky with Lucy and I shared it here with anyone who commented at Sacred Ruminations on the Monday Addendum to Saturday's Surprise post there.

12. Lucy (at Lucy Creates) bestowed the Excellent Blog Award to me for my Sacred Ruminations blog, and I passed it along to 11 others.

11. At her Writing Nook, Mary shared a variety of awards shown below that I, in turn, passed along here.
for all my friends at Small Reflections

10. Joy surprised me in mid-February with this lovely award and some delightfully kind words at Joy of Six and I am most humbly grateful and appreciative.

9. Yolanda of Perfectly Imperfect shared a "Blessings Award" together with a call for prayer for those affected by the recent tornados.

8. Sandy of Momisodes recently shared this lovely Pink Floral Bouquet to "devoted readers and blog friends who keep her going everyday with comments" and this Spread the Love Award (that she received from Baby-Amore), and I passed both along.
The gorgeous Pink Bouquet went to anyone who visits and comments regularly at Small Reflections ... keeping ME going with their enthusiasm and support.

The Spread the Love Award went to all who stopped to share their thoughts at Small Reflections and to anyone who decided to tag themselves and do the Kind Fives Meme at Sacred Ruminations.

7. Miss*R at Tales of Inglewood created this blogging award to share with everyone who visits her blog, and I've passed it along on at each of my blogs ... here and here.

(Shared on 2-29-08 on Haiku Thank You)

5. About the same time, Mary P Jones of A Room of Mama's Own honored Sacred Ruminations with this Bloggin Blessing that I shared with three others.

4. Sandy of Momisodes shared this award with me for my Small Reflections blog and I passed it along in turn to 10 blogs that I find filled with rare gems and treasures.

3. Annie gave me my very 1st Blogging Award and I passed it along to 5 bloggers at Small Reflections and 5 more at Sacred Ruminations. When Karen awarded it to me a 2nd time, I shared it with 10 more bloggers at Sacred Ruminations ... and when Yolanda offered the award a 3rd time I passed it along to all visitors to Small Reflections.

with my Blogging Buddies in December of 2007
and add them here for the fun of it.

2. Akelamalu at Everything and Nothing created and shared these two Christmas Carol Quiz Awards with those who participated in her two Christmas Carol Quizzes here and here.
1. Mary of Mary's Writing Nook created this Christmas Carol Quiz Award for me to offer to those who participated in my 1st Blog Quiz. I added the "snowy effects" myself. In addition, she created and shared with me the following:

Wow. You are the queen of awards. I am way behind in acknowledging and organizing mine. Maybe I should make a page too.
MPJ - How funny you are!
Actually I created this page to clean up my sidebar (when I noticed others had done this on their blogs) and figure I'll let it be a growing list. I've tried to include links to the actual posts where I acknowledged receipt and passed them along ... but in looking at it I see it needs some editing in that regard. Who knows when I'll get around to that? There's always so much to do!
Hmmmm ... as I type this response, I realize I haven't included the 'cookies' or the 'thank you sign' from you (although I passed the thank you sign along today in my T-13) and I wonder what else I’ve omitted. Sheesh ... tomorrow is the end of February and I've not done a formal thank you post since December 31st (though I have done some informal ones along the way)! Maybe I'll make that a priority for this weekend unless I decide to do it in Haiku on Friday. (Save me from my obsessive please!!!)
I did something similar recently ... archiving my Friday Haikus, T-13s, Wordless and Wellness Wednesdays, etc in order to have a link to put in my sidebar for easy reference. Even though I give these ‘archive posts’ a date from the past they seem to show up in readers ... so I get occasional comments like yours today. I wonder if there’s a way to keep them from appearing in readers? There’s just so much I don’t know about this blogging stuph! I hope everyone’s healthy again at your house!
Hugs and blessings,
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