
day of rest, but not for me.
I shall write Haiku!
Addicted I must
be to feel a weekly urge
posting in this form.
It has been 2 months
since I thanked my blogging friends
so today I am
giving these awards
to my faithful followers.
Thank you one and all!
Commenting nearly every day
and on every post ... seriously folks!
Karen at Journey to Authenticity gets top honors!
She's followed closely by ...
Sandy of Momisodes (who managed to purchase, pack, move into
a new home this month and still keep up with blogging)
Eve of Adamswife's Weblog
Mother of Invention at Spilling Out!
Joy at The Joy of Six
(who leaves public comments & sends emails too)
Sonya of Mo Mhíle Grá
Yertle of Smile, Play, Dream
Lucy at Diamonds in the Sky and Lucy Creates!
Mary of Mary's Writing Nook (who created this lovely
award for me to share with others)
MPJ at A Room of Mama's Own
Mama Zen at The Zen of Motherhood
the Dream at You May Say I'm a Dreamer
His Girl Friday at Wellied on Life
Talking Bear at Sleepy Bear Hollow
Yolanda at Perfectly Imperfect
Peajay at Mórán cainte ar bheagán cúise
Moana at Desperately Seeking Serenity
Annie at Journey Through Life
Bella at Beyond the Map
Bloggers who respond on their own blogs (as I do),
prefer to send responses in emails
and/or who comment here occasionally
Melissa at Part of Everything
Grandy of Functional Shmunctional
Mike of Rambling Stuff
Akelamalu at Everything and Nothing
Nicholas at A Gentleman's Domain
Kelly at Kikipotamus the Hobo
Olivia at Happy Luau
Haiku Friday, Thursday Thirteen, & Wordless Wednesday
because I appreciate all your visits & comments)
Colleen at Looseleaf Notes
Susan at West of Mars
Ellen B at The Happy Wonderer
Melissa at Taking What Is Left
Anglophile Football Fanatic
Damozel at The Flatland Chronicles and Buck Naked Politics
Melissa at Such Simple Pleasures
Janet of The Planet of Janet
Mama Geek at What Works for Us
Kat at Seeking Sanity
Secret Agent Mama
Jientje at Heaven in Belgium
Kat at Kat's Krackerbox Weblog
Sandy Carlson at Writing in Faith
Chelle Y at The Story of Me
Chuck at Foster Me Up
Claudia at Out on a Limb
Cathy at MINE
Susie J
Mama DB
Hootin' Anni
Marylin at A Little Space for Me
Maggie's Mind
Joyce at Mom's Musings
Jenni at Just Chicken Feed
Anne at the Pump Room
Wright at I Gotta Theory About That
Jennifer at A Mommy Story
JJ! at Dirty Laundry
Transplanting Me
New Blogging Friends I've Met Recently
Susie H at The Knit Farm
Betty at Betty's This and That
PJ at Bits and Pieces
Greatfullivin at Gratitude Journal
Cricket at Cricket's Hearth
Tina at Tina's Odds and Ends
Annie at A Yank Gone South
Ornery's Wife at Thoughts from Miller Manor


Thought for Today
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in them than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." Dale Carnegie
For a Mr. Linky to other Haiku Fridays
go to A Mommy Story.
Click for Haiku Friday Volume 16.
To see my previous Haikus,
click on the Haiku Friday label below this post
or in the sidebar under About Me.
Yay for blog addiction!! I share in it with you!
Wow. You really went through a lot of trouble to thank ALL of your bloggy friends. That is amazing! Well done! And thank you!
Great 'ku, you blogging addict! :)
I still get all excited when I see my name and link on someone else's blog--thank you!
Scylla – Hehehehe … it is a challenge to walk away from the computer these days, especially on Fridays because I love Haiku! Come back and pick up a friendship award if you didn’t do so on this visit. I do appreciate your comments.
Kathryn – You’re certainly welcome! I tried to remember to include everyone but I fear I forgot folks and hope they’ll forgive me. Yup … guilty as charged! LOL
Karen – I’m happy to know you do. You’re oh so welcome!!! I’ll figure out the HTML codes and send it along in email later today so you can add these to you growing collection.
I hope you’re all having a fantastic Friday and that your weekend is wonderful!
Hugs and blessings,
Great haiku, I enjoyed reading it! Thank you for including me in your new blogging friends along with the link. I enjoyed reading the entire list. I see there are a lot of very interesting blogs to visit!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you for the sweet award. I just spent some time reading your "100 Things About Me" post, and very much enjoyed getting to know you better. If we could sit down and talk about things over a cup of coffee, I would like to talk first about active engagement strategies for students and motivational theory. I am a paraeducator working with 6th graders in three math classrooms at our local Middle School. It is so sad to see kids who seemingly do everything possible to NOT pay attention, to NOT engage in learning. I seek to be an encouraging, uplifting influence in the kiddos lives, but I can't MAKE them engage in their own learning. :(
I just blogged about your award. :)
You put me to shame with your organizational skills! How do you keep everyone straight?
Happy Friday. Love the haiku this week!
Tina – I’m so glad to know you like my Haiku and I’m delighted to count you among my newest blogging buddies. I hope you enjoy the award(s).
Joyce – I just left a lengthy response to your comment on my 101 Things and another comment at your blog … and I’m so delighted at your responses to what you’ve read here at Small Reflections. Talk about giving and receiving being the same! Thank you so much!
Mama DB – Hehehe … one doesn’t spend 34 years teaching school without learning a few things about organization!!! LOL
I admit I make a few notes to myself as I go … and refer to them often because the older I get, the more challenging it is to remember the details. Of course, it helps to be 'happily retired' with lots of discretionary time and no toddlers demanding attention. I do appreciate the compliment however, and it warms my heart.
Thanks to all of you for visiting and sharing your love. I hope you have a delightful day and wonderful weekend.
Hugs and blessings,
Aw, you are just super sweet. I also get excited to see my humble blog linked somewhere else. Thank you for making my day!
God love ya, honey for being such a giver!! And the saying at the end is so true. I, for one, will be visiting you regularly now. If I ever miss a day, you come find me. *wink* Have a great weekend friend :)
Thanks ST!
Ah! Another Blog 365 REBEL...you rule breaker, you!
Great ku! Congrats on that bling and thanks for the love my friend. Your ku's are always so good!
You are so generous to all of your bloggy friends!
horray for blogger that way we all share the joy we feel the pain and the pleasure of each and every one company.
Thanks for adding me to the list I'm humbled to be included with the rest of the people listed.Hugs and Blessings you way
Maggie’s Mind – You’re quite welcome! We all enjoy a bit of link-love and it’s fun to introduce blogging friends to one another while thanking visitors in this manner.
Chuck – I know where you find you … and I’ll be there regularly as well. It’s a wonderful virtual world ya know!
Annie – ‘Tis my pleasure! You were there at the start to show me the ropes!
Jennifer – Hehehhe! Caught red handed breaking the Blog 365 rules, but since a glitch keeps both of my blogs from showing up in the MegaFeed I thought I’d escape detection. Silly me ;--)
MamaGeek – Such kind words. Thanks … happy Haiku Friday to you and enjoy the ‘bling’ … sharing makes it all so much more fun!
Toni – Ohmygosh! Methinks I left you off the list and if so I’m sorry … just get yourself back here and snag some ‘bling’ for yourself. I appreciate all my bloggy friends!
Mike – Of course you’re on the list my faithful friend! You’ve learned so much so quickly about blogging that you’re giving me advice about templates! Shall I say I told you so ;--)
It’s such fun to find all your comments this afternoon. I hope you’re each having a delightful Friday and I wish you a wonderful weekend.
Hugs and blessings,
Thanks for the shout out! I love reading your blog! Happy Haiku Friday!
You read about as many blogs as I do... hehe
Great tribute! Happy Haiku Friday!
Thank you for including me in your list. I do read you every day but I'm mostly lurking. :)
Thank you, thank you for including me! I love the bling for my "nekkid" sidebar (LOL).You are such a sweety. Happy Leap Day and have a grand weekend!:)
Wright – You’re most welcome! I’m happy to know this so thanks for sharing.
GHD – Yup … I’m a bit addicted, but I read lots of them in Google Reader so I don’t comment on every post. There’s just not enough time in the day. LOL
Pussreboots – Ah … ditto! I try to comment when time permits, but sometimes there’s just too much to do!!!
Greatfullivin – You’re so welcome! I’m happy to share the ‘bling’ others have passed along to me. I just moved a whole bunch from my sidebar to a post and put a link in my ‘About Me’ section. And now I’ve learned how to make ‘bling’ of my own (with a tip from Hootin’ Anni) so I’ll be experimenting big time!
I hope you’ve all had a fantastic Friday and that the weekend is wonderful too.
Hugs and blessings,
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit and for your lovely comments. It's always nice to see a new face around the place!
And, I would have to agree with you--I think you are addicted! Great haiku nonetheless!
Thank you. I know what you mean about being addicted to haiku Friday. I feel sad when I miss it.
I love reading your haikus, you really are a story teller!
Happy weekend!
WHat a sweet, lovely gift. This was nice.
Thanks for mentioning me! What a nice post for all your friends. I'm glad we've become blog friends!
Wow. You listed everybody. That's wonderful! Thank you and way to go against the 365 grain!
You went to a lot of trouble with that post thanking all your blogging friends - you're awesome. Great Haiku, you should try 55 Fiction I think you'd enjoy it. :)
Thank you, Virginia! I appreciate your thinking of me and noticing my blogging and commenting style. You are great at acknowledging people!
I blog mainly to form relationships that help me and that help others, and I am grateful for you this (early) morning!
Special Saturday Blessings,
Abritdifferent – You’re quite welcome on all counts. I could plead the 5th … but methinks it would do no good in the face of existing evidence. LOL
Yertle – Yes indeed! No doubt you’ll recall that when I did miss it at Sacred Ruminations I ended up doing a ‘belated Haiku Friday’ post.
Jenni – Thanks so much! I try to do what I can with what I have where I am as Teddy Roosevelt suggested long ago and it feels good to be validated in this way.
Susie J – I’m happy you think so ;--)
Annie – You’re very welcome. My links don’t show up in the Blog 365 feed most of the time because of some weird glitch, but I click through them most days and somehow always find yours even though I don’t open many of them at all.
AFF –I tried to list as many as I could remember from those who visit, and I sincerely hope those I’ve missed will snag the award with my blessings and forgive my oversight. As for rule breaking and going against the grain … it feels like a mission some times! LOL
Akelamalu – Ah … shucks! Trouble is my middle name … and maybe I’ll do a hybrid Friday Fiction Haiku sometime just for the heck of it.
Olivia – You’re welcome. I’m still working out why I blog (and have no idea how long I’ll actually continue) … but in the process I’m learning lots of interesting things and meeting wonderful friends in the virtual world … so at the moment, it’s all good!
I appreciate all your comments and sincerely hope you’re having a superlative Saturday!
Hugs and blessings,
Welcome to the Greatful Gals. I am Joyce of Creation In Progress. You have a beautiful blog. I will be back to see what you have been up to. Feel free to visit when you have time. Have a great weekend.
Love and Hugs,
I wish I were as dedicated to blogging as you are but I can't seem to get it together more than I do. Kudos to you, you obviously get as much out of it as you put into it and have made numerous friends here!!
Joyce – I appreciate the ‘welcome visit’ and introduction from you. I think the Greatful Gals idea is marvelous and I’ll look forward to visiting your blog (and more on the Blogroll) soon. Today I’ll be playing with my Red Hat Sisters in the real world so blogging time is limited today!
MoI – Thanks for the Kudos! When I’ve been at it a bit longer, I may be less ‘dedicated’ to blogging … but for now it’s fun and I’m learning new things all the time which keeps my brain cells functioning effectively ;--)
Thanks to both of you for visiting and sharing your thoughts.
Hugs and blessings,
Goodness! Not only did you blog on the day of rest, but you haiku'd and organized all of this! Wow! You are amazing :) I would say you are certainly an addict...so glad I have you to read daily.
Thanks so much for the link and lovely award! Hope you're having a great day with your friends!
Thank you, Storyteller! You are so sweet!
Oh, I can't give up the blogging or haikus either -- I'm so glad you got me going on Haiku Friday.
Sandy – This is true, but you’ll note I took Saturday pretty much off until quite late … playing with my Red Hat friends.
Mama Zen – You’re quite welcome. (blush) Some might disagree ;--)
MPJ – I’m glad you joined the Haiku Friday fun as well. It’s a ‘happening’ thing in the virtual world and exercises my brain cells weekly.
I appreciate each of you and wish you each a serene Sunday.
Hugs and blessings,
It doesn't surprise me that you would have such a wonderful list of people to thank!...beauty creates beauty don't cha know?!
I've not had a chance to visit all of these sites yet, but now I know where to come and take a wander.
Thank you for the awards. I'm grateful that I found you.
Have a wonderful week.
Ladybug – Ah shucks! Thanks … and it’s nice to see you here at Small Reflections. Finding time to visit everyone can be challenging, but all are worth checking out when time permits.
Betty – You’re quite welcome! I’m glad you found me too ;--)
I hope you both have a marvelous Monday!
Hugs and blessings,
Hey lady...thanks for the linky love. I'm sorry I've not been around as much as I would like. I am trying to catch up though. ;)
Grandy – You’re quite welcome … and I fully understand. We all go through busy times when keeping up with blogging becomes a challenge. Been there … done that myself! I hope you’re having a delightful day playing with that new laptop of yours.
Hugs and blessings,
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