I'm honored to receive it and appreciate Annie thinking of me in this manner, especially since I've not been visiting quite as often for oh so many reasons (not the least of which recently is TENNIS) ... trying to attain some "balance" in my own life.
I've decided to pass this award on to the following 5 people here at Small Reflections and to 5 others at Sacred Ruminations.
Joy was the first blogger to discover me on my very 1st post, leaving a comment with encouraging words and a promise to return ... that kept ME typing. She continues to offer words of support and encouragement consistently here and writes wonderful pieces on her own blog, The Joy of Six. I enjoy her sense of humor and clever resourcefulness. Her numerous photo series are awesomely wonderful and often hilarious.
Karen, a friend from the Taos Writer's Spa, has been my most regular visitor to both of my blogs from the start ... and leaves caring and supportive comments always, even when she's overly busy with family responsibilities! Her posts at Journey to Authenticity are a thoughtful balance of words & photos, and her blog is a joy to visit.
I encountered Sandy of Momisodes and Eve of Adamswife's Weblog just as NaBloPoMo ended. Initially they visited here at Small Reflections, but like Karen ... they've become regular readers of both of my blogs ... offering encouragement and support on a daily basis (even when sick)! Sandy is witty and clever with a flair for photography. Eve is venturing out into new territory of photography and poetry on her blog.
Mary, of Mary's Writing Nook, not only visits often (when she's not traveling with her family) ... but is thoughtful and generous with her time and talents. I am most grateful for her friendship in this virtual world and enjoy her consistently well-written & illustrated posts.
With much gratitude, I offer my usual hugs and blessings to all who pass this way. If you haven't met these bloggers already, I hope you'll visit them in the near future.
Thank you so much for the award. I always enjoy reading your posts and look forward to your comments on mine. This is my very first blog award. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get others as time goes by.
I got the same award just the other day. Am I supposed to pass it along?
You are most deserving of the award, my friend and thanks for passing it on to me. It brings me much pleasure to know that you enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy yours.
Wow! Thank you so much for the award. That was incredibly sweet of you to write that. I am delighted to have met you and have grown fond of your blogs, comments, and emails. Thank you for sharing this with me and making me smile :)
Oh Virginia....how thoughtful and generous of you...thank you so much for your sweet words. As I told you before...you knock my socks off with how you've mastered all the ins and outs of blogging so beautifully....and SO quickly. I love visiting your site to see what new project you're jumping into next....and you always are. You certainly deserve this award...one of many I'm sure we'll be seeing on your site.
Thanks again my dear friend....hugs and blessings right back at you.... ~Joy
You’re all quite welcome and most deserving of this award. I suspect you’ll have as much fun as I did in passing it along to those who make YOUR day! The way the award is set up, we could all receive it multiple times. How cool is that?
Eve – The same is true for me regarding your visits here. Your comments are thoughtful and engaging. It's fun to watch YOU begin to take on new challenges on your blog.
Solomon – According to Annie, that’s the deal … so get busy Buster! LOL
Mary – Thank you for your on-going encouragement and kindnesses to me and to others. Your example is inspiring.
Sandy – It’s fun to turn the tables and bring a smile to YOUR face! There's always something "happening" at Momisodes.
Joy – I appreciate your feedback and hope I can continue to surprise you (in a good way) with whatever comes next … once the Australian Open is over and before the French Open begins, that is. LOL
I feel oh so fortunate to have met you wonderful bloggers, and I look forward to whatever comes next for each of us. You DO make MY day often and I’m happy to share the joy in this manner.
Hugs and blessings,
Excellent choices in bestowing of the award, storyteller!! You deserved it yourself with all your kind comments and your sense of humor. ;)
Well you have some nice blog friends. It was fun to check out a few.
This is so sweet--thank you Storyteller for the award! Now I know what I'll be blogging about tomorrow!
Grandy – Thanks on both counts. Choosing just 5 buddies here and 5 more at Sacred Ruminations was challenging, but perhaps it will come around to me again and I’ll be able to share it with others who make my day as well. There are so many wonderful folks out there in the virtual world. It’s good to see you out and about. I know life has been hectic for you at work.
Colleen – Thanks. I couldn’t agree with you more, and I’m happy you took the opportunity to visit them. I suspect that’s one of the best things about such an award … because it’s fun introducing my blogging friends to one another.
Karen – I’m glad to give you a topic to write about in this manner, and I do appreciate all your enthusiastic support these first few months I’ve been blogging. It’s nice to have a cheering section!
Thanks to all of you for stopping by and leaving your comments.
Hugs and blessings,
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