Mimi the Queen of Memes started a new Message in a Bottle Meme and suggests, "You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not."
What message would you like to send out to the universe?
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle
2. Right click and Save the graphic above
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog
5. Return your “Message In a Bottle” to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at yahoo.com, sign the Mr. Linky at Mimi’s site and leave a comment THERE telling her you’ve finished. IF YOU WANT YOUR MESSAGE TO BE ANONYMOUS PLEASE SAY SO.
6. Tag a minimum of five people - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
so I'm breaking rule #6 (no surprise there, right).
I do, however, invite and encourage
all who are so inclined to
I am so glad you decided to play along. This is a great meme and I have not done it yet, maybe next week! I also love your message, it is so true, you cannot change what you don't acknowledge. Hugs!
I did this one today too! haha Strange. I like your message though; mine's dorky. Everybody thinks I'm on a diet to lose weight. Giving out the wrong message altogether HA!
Greatfullivin – Me too! I don’t know if I’ll play every week because (although I enjoy reading others) meme’s aren’t my favorite kind of post to write and publish. This Message in a Bottle meme was intriguing enough for me to tackle twice … once here and once at Sacred Ruminations.
Chuck – How funny! I saw yours earlier and thought it interesting that we’d both chosen this meme to create and publish today. Of course most of the Meme Monday crowd does more than one meme per post … and it seems you do awards on Monday’s too. Of course I just did awards on Friday. I walk to the beat of my own drum ya know. LOL
My best friend’s daughter does ‘cleansing fasts’ periodically. I admire her (and your) fortitude, but methinks I need to eat every day. Seriously!!!
I hope you’re each having a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings .
Very well done. I just love Mimi to pieces. Have a great MM. :)
We really did this once when I was 10 in a river system here while on a houseboat trip. We never did hear from anyone but that would have been so neat. Don't know what my message would be....maybe."Count me in...from little ole me with the quiet voice!"
Yay another person that did their MEME or the 1st time today too! I LOVED your message in a bottle quote! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment! :)
Sandee – I agree about Mimi … she’s great and I love this meme! I enjoyed reading through all the messages the other day after posting my 1st on my other blog. Then I wanted to do another ;--)
MoI – It would be fun to do this for real. I don’t think I ever tried, and today they’d probably call it ‘littering’ in my little beach community. LOL
I love your message … and if you want to know how to put text on a graphic, I can help because I know how … finally!
Jen – Yes! My first ‘Meme Monday’ ever! I enjoyed visiting your blog and will return when time permits … next Monday for sure if not before.
Thanks to all of you for visiting and sharing your thoughts.
Hugs and blessings,
Love that message you put in your bottle. I have yet to do this one. My tags are piling up...;-)
Have a wonderful day!
Wow, what a great message in that first bottle. Very Jungian, and I agree completely.
I've been seeing this message in a bottle thing going around lately; I like it!
Thanks for your recent comments and well-wishes!! I'm coming back to do the message in a bottle!
How very thoughtful ! May be it's more "Brain-food" !
Very good message ST!
I can't believe it--I did it! I actually figured out how to do the message in a bottle. Here's my link: http://journeytoauthenticity.typepad.com/
zamejias – Thanks for the feedback. Be sure to let me know when you do it and be sure to let Mimi know so she can add it to the growing group of bottles linked up in cyberspace!
Kikipotamus – I’m glad you approve. Actually, this is my 2nd bottle. The first is at Sacred Ruminations, posted last Friday – February 29th.
Andrea – You’re quite welcome. I actually ‘lurk’ around your blog … reading in Google Reader and only commenting occasionally, but I always enjoy your posts. I’ll look forward to your ‘Bottle Message’ so let me know when it’s up.
PJ – You’re quite welcome. I’ll look forward to it ;--)
Jaffer –I enjoyed your ‘bottle message’ … and thanks for the return visit here. We all suffer from writer’s block occasionally … and the trick (for me at least) is to write our way through it … keeping the pencil moving (or the fingers typing) … allowing ourselves to produce ‘junk’ … recognizing that ‘treasures’ might be found within the flurry of words on the page … and ‘brain-food’ never hurts!
Roger – Thanks … and since you’ve added me to your Blogroll, does that mean I can snag the nifty award you left there even though I’m a newbie??? Pretty please? LOL
Karen – I’m sooooo excited I can hardly type … and I’ll be over soon to see for myself!!! Isn’t all this too much fun?
I appreciate all of your thoughtful comments and wish you each a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
Loved your message, storyteller! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope to visit you more often as I hope you visit me! :D
teach – You’re quite welcome and thanks for the feedback here. As a matter of fact, I visited your Wordless Wednesday post this morning and was blessed today by Ivahoe with the award you made and passed along to him … so I feel ‘connected’ somehow. Don'cha love serendipity???
Hugs and blessings,
Your Thoreau message is an wonderful inspiration!
Tina – Thanks for you feedback about my messages in the bottles. I’m glad to finally know how to add text to a graphic!
Hugs and blessings,
Awesome message! I LOVE this meme and am gonna make one for each of my kids:).
Thanx for letting me know your bottle was here...
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