I'm grateful for this lovely Blog Treasure Award passed along to me recently by Sandy at Momisodes, and now it's my pleasure to pass it along to Blogs that I find filled with rare gems and treasure.
Joy at Joy of Six offers both humorous and spectacular pictorial series along with a variety of reflective writing and funny stories.
Lucy of Diamonds in the Sky With Lucy shares photos, poetry, and personal reflective pieces and is exploring a variety of creative media and processes at Lucy Creates.
Yolanda at Perfectly Imperfect shares lovely photos, poetry, blessings, and thought-provoking pieces.
Shawn at Letters to my Daughters is a Mom with 2 year old twin toddlers. Recently she shared tips on living frugally in The Art of Coupons. I've written of her previously describing how she encouraged other bloggers to participate in a Writing Project on the topic of 10 Rules to Live By (link will introduced you to some amazing bloggers who responded).
Bev and Evonne at Asperger Square 8 write about Autism, embracing differences in one another, and have wonderful posters in the sidebar along with links to a variety of resources.
MPJ is a stay at home mother of two who blogs under a pseudonym at A Room of Mama's Own about parenting, autism, raising a child with special needs, marriage, race, sex addiction and recovery. Recently she's started writing Haiku on Fridays.
Bella at Beyond the Map shares beautiful, thought-provoking pieces about the realities of life written from her heart and soul.
Karen is a Zen Buddhist priest and the author of "MOMMA ZEN:Walking the Crooked Path of Motherhood" who shares at Cheerio Road, a blog filled with a bit of everything for everyone. I find what she labels "writing life" of special interest to me, and her Zen in Ten (The Rules of Life) on "total life fulfillment in 10 seconds or less" is what caused me to become a regular reader even though I don't comment often.
Liz at Los Angelista's Guide to the Pursuit of Happiness has just changed to look of her blog and shares today in "It Was Time For A New Look" about how change can be scary but is necessary. Perhaps I'm drawn to her blog because she writes of a city with which I am totally familiar and not. Her perspective broadens my own, and I look forward to my visits there.
Karyn at Vexed in the City writes intelligent slice of life pieces that both entertain and make me think.
Heart in San Francisco at Guilty With An Explanation hasn't been posting as much lately, but there are riches to be mined at her blog. You might begin with her Case Study on the Dysfunctional Duck Family or There But For the Grace of God.
Anglophile Football Fanatic just moved from Blogger to Wordpress because she's tired of the "Blogger@NoReply" email address and wants the option to be able to respond to folks who leave comments. Her blog is definitely worth a visit. I found her through Haiku Friday initially, discovered I enjoyed her other posts also, and have begun to visit bloggers SHE reads as well.
I've shared additional awards at Sacred Ruminations, so I hope you'll check out those blogs too when time permits. So many blogs, so little time!

In addition, those who visit weekly on Thursdays for T-13 and Fridays for Haiku (and even those who lurk although I hope this might encourage you to leave comments now and again) are cordially invited to take this award back to your blogs and share it with others who make your day. I ask only that if you do so, you leave a link back here so that I might be introduced to your blogging buddies as well.
101st Post Update:
I've added another 25 or so items to my 101 Things About Me and hope to finish it tomorrow.
I appreciate all the comments you've left that are waiting for my response on various posts and apologize for not getting to them yet. I'm hoping to have time to get to them in the next few days, but if not ... I promise to catch up over the weekend.
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder.
Help someone's soul heal.
Walk out of your house like a shepherd."
you, my dear, are certainly a treasure!! thank you for this wonderful award and your friendship. blessings!!!
Again--great links, storyteller! I'd never heard of some of these!
Also--don't worry about the responses to comments. As far as I'm concerned, I'm just grateful that you're writing new entries daily AND writing thoughtful comments on others' blogs. You might end up deciding that that is enough.
Lucy – Thanks and you’re quite welcome. I’m happy to have found you in this virtual world as well even though I haven’t been visiting and commenting as often of late. There’s just too much to do and not enough time! LOL
Karen – I’m glad you appreciate the “introductions” I leave in such posts and that you enjoy my own daily entries. It takes me longer to create such pieces with links, but I love bringing folks together and so it’s fun if challenging. I appreciate you letting me off the hook regarding responding to comments. I’ve caught up here at Small Reflections this morning, but I’ve not finished my 101 Things list … nor have I left responses at Sacred Ruminations. You’re correct that I may need to rethink this at some point especially since Molly is going to BITE ME if I don’t go play with her and take her for a walk … and I’m getting my hair permed this afternoon. Actually, now that I think of it … I need to visit all these people and let them know I’ve left awards for them because they don’t all read ME. It’s always something. LOL
Thanks to you both … Hugs and blessings,
Thank you for thinking of me Virginia....I so appreciate your thoughtfulness. I love getting your great comments and love coming here to visit to see what you've been up to.....which is usually a lot. You are definitely a TREASURE.
One of these days I'm going to figure out how to get some of these nice awards, etc. on the side bar of my blog. Oh to be a techie person....
I just checked you blog and thanks for the mention. I have been off a couple of days and I thank you for the honor. So sweet of you. Have a great week.
Yay! congrats on more awards :) Thanks so much for linking to me.. I'm looking forward to reading more from your 101 list.....going over a.s.a.p.
Joy – You’re so welcome. The feeling is mutual as you well know. If you’d find it easier to add the awards in HTML format, I can convert the pictures and send the info to you in email. It seems to me that’s how I sent the Christmas Carol Award and you managed to add it to your sidebar.
Yolanda – I’m happy to pass the award along and to highlight your blog along with others I enjoy in this way. I know not everyone has time to meander the Blogosphere as I do so it’s fun to share.
Sandy – You’re so sweet! Hmmm … I don’t think I added anything since your last visit to my 101 list, but if that's the case ... you know that by now. I do appreciate your enthusiastic support and I hope the packing is going well. Seems like the move is coming up soon.
Thanks again to everyone. I do appreciate your comments.
Hugs and blessings,
Thank you so much for this sweet honor. It's a treasure to have met you in this vast world of words and images.
Thanks for this note about the changes ... I hadn't realized. Duh.
Thank you much for the award! I think you leave the BEST comments. Very well thought out and full of insight.
Thanks very much! I look forward to reading the other blogs you mention here.
Shawn – You’re quite welcome and I appreciate your kind words. I don’t always respond to your posts but I marvel at the honest manner in which you face and share your feelings so consistently … no matter what they are. I can’t imagine having two toddlers at the same time. Bless you and all you do!
AFF – I’m happy to pass it along and to introduce some of my “readers” to your blog. I hope you enjoy sharing it as well. As for my comments, it helps that I’ve got lots of discretionary time and I’m a “social critter” even in this virtual world. I love to write as much as I like to talk. This past week I’ve muttered under my breath about the 101 Things I’ve been working on all because of your comment two weeks ago on my 100th post, but when I finish … those memories will fade. LOL
Bev – I hope you find a few that you enjoy. I’ve passed on your blog to several friends I know who have children and grandchildren with autism and they’re expressed their gratitude to me for all you offer.
I’m sure you all have bloggers with whom you’ll want to share this Treasure Award and I hope you’ll link that back here so I can visit them as well. Have a delightful day and a wonderful weekend.
Hugs and blessings,
My, I've been away a few days and look what I came home to! A treasure revealed.
Many thanks!
So nice of you to give me this award! It was a big risk to go into template transformation, but I'm glad I did it -- even if three people I know have already declared that they hate the new one! :)
And about LA, well, I'm convinced that this city has so many faces that someone could live here their whole live and never see them all.
Karen – You’re quite welcome. I suspect many of those who pass by here will become regular readers of Cheerio Road and possible seek out your book since many of the Haiku Friday visitors are young moms.
Liz – I hope you work the "kinks" out at your blog with minimal difficulty. Change is stressful for all concerned, yet it IS the only “constant” in life. Taking charge of change for our own reasons matters, and eventually everyone “habituates” to the new as if it’s always been. LOL
I'm one of those rare folks who's a native of Southern California and grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles ... went to ELAC (when it was a Junior College) then CSULB and worked for LA City Schools for 7 years before moving south. I don't think I'd want to live anywhere other than So Cal ... especially since I've settled in near the ocean.
I look forward to meeting the bloggers to whom you both decide to share this award, and I hope you’ll provide links to make that easy for me all my readers.
Hugs and blessings,
Yay! I'm in there with some of my favorite bloggers! What an honor. Thanks so much. It's a much needed smile after all my recent head cold sniffling!
MPJ – I’m glad you’re feeling better … and that the Treasure Award brought a much needed smile. As for your favorite bloggers, I met many of them over at your place ya know. I’m glad to be over this flu/cold bug myself!
Hugs and blessings,
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