Top 7 in '07
Yes ... I know today is Tuesday,
but this post is created
and if I don't post it today,
I'll miss Wordless Wednesday,
Thursday Thirteen,
and/or Haiku Friday
because I need to send a link
to Rachelle.
I started TWO blogs in late October last year. Small Reflections came first and bears the "Passionate Blog" logo.

1. Beginnings - October 22, 2007 is my 1st post ever and illustrates just how little I knew 3 months ago when I started this adventure.
2. My final post of the year, published 12-31-07 reviews my 1st ten weeks in this "virtual world" and thanks my "blogging buddies" ... providing links to accomplishments along the way.
3. Embracing a Larger Vision (My Sacred Life - Day 5) considers unlimited possibilities.
4. In Allowing Myself to Receive (My Sacred Life - Day 17), I write of a challenging experience and valuable lessons I learned from friends.
5. Day 23 of My Sacred Life on 11-14-08, I shared a piece of Visual Poetry that I created in 1994 with the story of how it came to be.
6. Challenged by a fellow blogger, I created this Vastly Varied Version in Verse alliterative list of 10 things about myself (with an accompanying poem about the process) ... though it was anything but simple.
7. In The Gift of Gratitude in a Simple Thank You (12-28-07), I share two memories from my life as a public school teacher and the touching video-clip that inspired them.

As a "newbie" ... I have no archives from previous years; however, I've taken up the Creative Every Day 2008 Challenge and have started sharing more reflective pieces like this Haiku Friday, Volume 3 - January 11, 2008 at Small Reflections. I've shared other kinds of personal writing at Sacred Ruminations like Monday Musings (1-7-08) and Remembering Taos (1-6-08).
Thought for Today
"...conditions of learning which make for uniqueness." No there's something to think about, to ponder, and to strive for. Too much of our time and effort is spent in hiding what is unique about ourselves, lest we become to visible to the world around us.
I liked this list and will check them out.
What a great post. I loved looking back at some of these gems. I loved #7...your post was so moving and really shed light on how special you really are :)
you have had quite a year, my dear!! thanks for the reminder that i need to send my post to rachelle!
Ah yes Eve! My favorite image of humanity is that of a jigsaw puzzle where each piece is unique and has a special place … but the picture cannot be completed until everyone comes out of hiding and shows up exactly as they are.
Yolanda – I’m so glad you left a comment so I could rediscover your blog this morning. It’s familiar … so I know I’ve visited previously as I’ve meandered the Blogosphere. I’ve added you to my “reader” this time so I can return more regularly from now on.
Sandy – Thanks (blushing as I type), I appreciate the compliment. I’m still doing my best to “come out of hiding” and allow myself to be known just as I am. It’s not always easy … but with baby steps I’m accomplishing more each day.
Lucy – It’s funny. I’ve just been blogging for 3 months, but the process started on my birthday last year when Carol gave me the book that got this ball rolling. The journey itself has been life-long. What joy … and freedom to let myself be … as I am! (and of course you're welcome ... glad to be of service).
What a delight to discover your comments this morning … and to reflect a bit in responding. This “virtual” community expands all the time.
Hugs and blessings,
I'm so glad you included this list, Storyteller--I completely missed #7 (holidays and illness) the first time around. What a wonderful story--we really can't know how we will inspire others--but isn't it wonderful when someone gifts us by actually telling us!
Your daily agenda is pretty booked-up Virginia. You continue to amaze me at the pace you're going...and all so beautifully. You were born to be in the Blogosphere...and we're happy that you are.
I really like your posts,and as a "newbe" myself well let's say that I have a lot to learn,hopefully this old dog(56 as of 01/22/08)can do that.God Bless,Mike Golch
went to funtional schmutional.took the test and it turns out that I'm a green crayon.Who would have thought that one?
Karen – I’m happy to link you up with something you missed here during the holidays. I hope you didn’t miss my “thank you” post at Small Reflections and the CRAZY PUPPY awards … because YOU were my most regular “buddy” with all your wonderful comments.
Joy – Thanks (blushing as I type). I appreciate your kind words. It definitely helps to be happily retired with lots of time and motivation. As for being “booked up” … I’m trying to set some priorities, but it’s all so much fun! LOL
Mike – Old dog? Ohmygosh … that would make me ANCIENT since I was 56 when I retired 7 years ago. Sheesh. You’re a young thing … seriously. Green, huh? Methinks I recall that Sandy at Momisodes is green, but my memory isn’t what it once was … so I could be wrong.
Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts.
Hugs and blessings,
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