(plus two favorites from last time)
2. Teen Sensation Medley - also performed by the original group with some funky choreography at their final concert in 1999
3. Straight No Chaser Original Theme Song
4. It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday
5. I'm Coming Home
6. SNC performs This Love
7. Back Home Again in Indiana
8. Silent Night - (with my apologies for missing this one at Christmas time)
9. The Lion Sleeps Tonight
10. Sitcom Medley 2
11. I Believe in a Thing Called Love
Back by popular demand :)
12. Allentown
13. Hi-De-Ho - the original 1996 group
If you missed it and want more, check out my original Straight No Chaser Thursday Thirteen #5. It's been edited a bit so the glitches should be corrected this time around.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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I love music. It really makes me happy. and my 16 month old has gotten this from me and will listen to music all day and dance.
I am so glad I found this. Such uplifting sounds. Thank you.
What a nice way to start the day. Great list. Happy T13!
I still like Allentown the best!
I love a'capella singing. Some guys at my church did an a'capella version of "Mary did you know" at Christmas that just amazed me.
Happy T13
Great links!
I do love male a capella. It's so unusual to have so much of it in one group. I love the song "hard to say good-bye" - thanks for the link.
Happy TT!
My TT is about my rules for living.
My father had a beautiful voice. I have great memories of listening to him sing at home, at church, solo or group. This lead me to a love of the male voice. One group my dad sang with was SPEBSQSA (Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quarter Singing in America) also known as "Barbershoppers." Barbershop is, of course, a Capella. I also enjoy the Sweet Adeline's and have sung with them as well. But there is nothing that touches me quite the way a male a Capella chorus does. Thank you for introducing me to this group.
I love a'capella music. I have never heard of these guys. Thanks for showing me something new and wonderful.
Thanks for stopping by and participating in my TITT.
Man, you're a devoted fan. I can get behind that.
Thanks to everyone for visiting my T-13. I hope you enjoyed Straight No Chaser as much as I do.
Bloggers – Best wishes with your list of things to address in your life. Don’t try to do everything at once.
FBT – You’re welcome. I revisit my 1st T-13 on this group often myself when I have a few minutes and will probably do the same with this one.
Adelle – I enjoyed playing with your list of words from the past (and present) as I left you a comment on your blog.
Colleen – You’re one of the reasons it got included for a second time. I’m still thinking about what my new favorite words might be.
Karla – I’m glad you enjoyed it. I recognize your picture and know I’ve seen your T-13 today … but can’t for the life of me remember what it was right now. These things happen when you get to be my age.
Karen – As you well know, I do what I can. :)
Claudia – I found your rules for living well-considered and appreciated the link to the Kindness Every Day blog. That reminds me, I’ve not yet sent email to get included on the Blogroll there, but I intend to. It’s a wonderful idea!
Eve – How interesting to learn of your father’s participation in a Barbershop Quartet. I love listening to that kind of harmony. You’re welcome. I think I learned of them from a commenter on your blog actually, but I’ve forgotten who that was at the moment. My 1st post about SNC might reference the source.
Vixen – I’m happy to do so. One of the wonderful thing about this virtual world is how much gets shared like this. I’m curious how your survey turned out.
Susan – I only learned about this group for the first time in December when someone left a link to their 12 Days of Christmas. I enjoyed it so much I’ve sought out other performances … and when I had enough, I decided to share again.
Hugs and blessings to everyone and thanks for leaving your comments!
Man I love this,Happy T 13 Music calms the beast in us all.If I could figure out how to put some of my hammered dulicmer music online I would.But that I'm not a computer geek.Mike golch
You just reminded me I completely forgot to sign up at the hub! lol. You'll think I'm very silly, but I cannot recall if I came to tell you that the button situation for blogging101 is fixed. It wasn't a problem with the code itself, but the way it was presented left a margin for error. I'd swear I already wrote all this! In any case it's there for you whenever you want it.
Happy TT! :-)
Thanks for sharing!! I get introduced to so many new things thru the T13.
I cannot say enough that these guys are so cool..and talented! (and some quite hot ;) )
I loved the Sitcom Medley....boy did that take me down memory lane!
The a'capella group is great! There's a different Worlds Apart song that I love. I'm not big on religious music, but on Jars of Clay's 1st cd, the hidden bonus track is called Worlds Apart, and made me cry when I first heard it played by this adorable girl with an acoustic guitar at a women's retreat.
Thanks for sharing this....very nice music. and thanks for visiting mine.
PS. Thanks for your very kind comments.
Wow – how fun to find so many more comments this morning on Friday! Thanks to everyone for visiting and leaving your observations.
Mike – I’m glad you enjoyed the music links. Don’t be surprised at how quickly you learn to do things in this virtual world. Just as you learned to play the Dulcimer, you may discover how to put your music on your blog the way others have done. Visit Mother of Invention at Spilling Out (in my Blogroll) to hear HER sing a song she wrote and see what’s possible.
Smiler – Thanks. I’ll come check it out as soon as I have a minute. I’m trying to catch up with the 92 emails waiting in my inbox at gmail. Sheesh! I’ve got to find a better way to deal with all this, but I’m having so much fun meeting other bloggers I can’t stop myself! LOL
Mapsgirl – I feel the same way! Everyone posts such interesting things on their T-13 lists and it’s fun to learn new things.
Sandy – Hehehe … yes, they are both talented and “hot” … but then they’re college students at Indiana University … so they’re YOUNG as well. LOL
Mo – Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to check that out myself.
Damozel – You’re most welcome. I always enjoy your T-13s and figure you must spend considerable time preparing each of them before Thursday arrives. Your images captured week’s theme dramatically.
Hugs and blessings to everyone and Happy T-13ing too!
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