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NaBloPoMo - Day 25

In addition to backing them up, I created 'duplicate sites' on Blogger and am in the process of creating duplicates at WordPress too ... just because. Although it may be silly of me to do so, I've created a totally new site there called Happily Retired Storyteller to 'explore WordPress as a platform with links to my original 'Blogger-based' sites here. I have not clear focus for that new site other than to learn how things work ... but I'll keep you informed of my progress, and should you find time I hope you'll drop by to say 'hello' ... just because.
With gratitude to whoever created this image, I'm using her

to represents me ... participating in the November 2008 Giving Thanks Challenge (hosted by South Breeze Farm) by adding something for which I'm thankful each day. I intend to continue this practice during the month of December and perhaps beyond because celebrating 'what is' with a joyful spirit helps me keep perspective when things don't always turn out the way I'd like. Everyone is invited to join me in this practice on your own blogs if you choose. If you let me know in comments, I'll do my best to visit.

Once I've published this I plan to create my Simply Kind Tuesdays post at Sacred Ruminations. It should be there shortly and I hope you'll drop by & perhaps participate too as time permits.
"Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude." E.P. Powell
Great post, storyteller, and not just for Ruby Tuesday! I would like to see what you've developed on your new blog...and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! to you and your family! Thanks for participating in Ruby Tuesday! :)
If ever my blog disappeared I would just give up! I hope all your hard work of backing everything up works.
Happy Thanksgiving m'dear.
I wish you luck with your new site. I'll make sure and stop by for a visit.
Wow! You're better at backing up than I am.
Also, I'm dropping by to let you know (in case you don't already) that I've moved my blog to If you subscribe to my RSS feed you'll have to subscribe to the new one. I can't remember if you've done that already, but I don't want to lose touch!
lovely post, you have so much going on
Have a wonderful holiday
You have been a busy lady! I'm heading on over to check out your new site. :)
Love the things you are thankful for in your side bar :o)
I'm thinking about having a back up blog on Wordpress as well. I'll see if I can figure it out ;o)
If I'm not able to stop by tomorrow: Have a wonderful Thansgiving! Paws from Sam to Molly & Ms. Kitty.
What a great post. I'll have a little surprise at my blog tomorrow.
We're looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving, and hope you are too!
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