Where has November gone?
gave this lovely award to
me & others ... and

pass it on to everyone
who has commented
during the past week
here at Small Reflections ... I'm
grateful for you all!
In alphabetical order ...
B. Roan
Chris B
Hootin' Anni-2
Izzy 'n Emmy
Jo, a retired teacher
Mama Zen
Mike Golch
Quiet Paths
Sandee -2

SkyWatch#23/Haiku Friday#92 is at Sacred Ruminations
Thursday's Thought - Some things to consider ...
Whimsical Wednesday - with Birthday Wishes and a humble request (or two) for your consideration
Live simply, Laugh Often ...
Morning Musings - The Pink Sisterhood
Unconscious Mutterings & More ...
Giving Thanks Challenge & A Great Holiday Idea
Haiku Friday #89-So Cal Fires
"The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend." Aristotle
Thank you so much, Virginia.
What a good idea to do an alphabetized list of your blogging friends. :)
I am always in awe of the way you keep up with so many things on more than one blog. I obviously have much to learn.
You are so sweet. I am also so impressed by how organized and on top your visitors you are. This is such a lovely award, as is the autumn one on you sidebar (it's beautiful!).
Hope you're having a lovely Friday.
Oh my! That is so sweet! Thank you very much, Storyteller :o)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh thank you, you're so kind! xx
How cool. Both of your blogs and I get this cool award on both. I'll get a post up today. Thank you so very much. Have a great day and weekend. Big hug. :)
Awwww! Thanks for thinking of me! I think you're pretty darn special, too :)
thanks for the new one.I'll post it later today.I'm glad you enjoyed the award I gave you.I hope that you are having a great day today!
Thank you, I'm so glad I dropped by tonight. I now have the Tina Turner song in my head!
You are so sweet. I always enjoy my stop by your place -- wish I was organized enough to get by everyday.
I don't know how you keep up with two blogs, but I think I've said that before. And what's really cool is I get two awards. Thank you so very much. I'll get them posted over the weekend.
Thank you for sharing. It is always my pleasure to visit.
Came over from your comment on the haiku at Taking What is Left. Thought I'd let you know Wordpress has a total wordcount for each post right in the composing sidebar. I failed NaNoWriMo too, and I kinda wish I would have done NaBloPoMo instead. Might have been easier. :)
That is so sweet!
What a sweet award! Thank you!
Thank you so much for the award. I have a few I've been saving up to have an "awards ceremony" post sometimes soon - this one will be included :-)
The awards have been posted, come see! :-)
Thank you so much! I really needed a smile today!
Thank you so much Virginia for sharing this with me....you are so thoughtful. My head swirls with how you keep up with everything.
Have a beautiful, warm Thanksgiving sweetie.... ~Joy xo
Wow--this is an especially lovely award!!I love the image and it's going up on mine!! Thank you!!
That is a very cute award, Storyteller. :)
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