Week 1 - October 22nd
With encouragement and support from friends, I'm venturing out into this public space for the first time after making a promise to my Taos Writers Retreat "Buddy" yesterday that I'd post something before our next weekly call.
Week 2 - October 29th
I've tried to upload this photo ...(taken by me on the grounds of the Henningston Gardens in Taos, NM)... for days without success until now.
Week 3 - November 5th
I've spent many hours (over the past couple of days) trying to clean up and reorganize my Mozilla Bookmarks into a useful format ... a task that might not have been necessary if I'd understood how they work in the first place.
Week 4 - November 12th (It seems I posted twice)
1st Post -Multiple challenges encountered & solved through trial and error by me on Small Reflections and Sacred Ruminations (because I'm a determined sort who doesn't give up easily) along with occasional feedback from fellow bloggers who graciously share their knowledge of how things work, led me to discover today a nifty feature available in setting up Blogger sites (albeit belatedly).
2nd Post- I love Google Reader (except for the frustrating fact that I now have more that 450 new posts to peruse because I keep finding new & interesting sites to add as I meander through the Web).
Week 5 - November 19th
This morning, I found a post entitled "Mindfulness and Transforming Anger" at The Dream Life.
Week 6 - November 26th
Day by day (as time & energy permitted) I worked in the yard ... enjoying my progress (however slow & tedious it seemed to others) ... making new friends as folks on their way to and from the beach stopped to comment (many offering suggestions as to how I might speed things along, not realizing I was using this as a meditative practice).
Week 7 - December 3rd
Here's a 4th visual piece I created with my MultiMate and Palm V years ago.
Week 8 - December 10th
This continues the saga of the Spring and Summer of 2006 when I decided to make some changes.
Week 9 - December 17th
I've been "tagged" by Mama Zen for a little Hoopla, and although I'm sorely tempted to hold onto this for my Thursday Thirteen activity (making it a baker's dozen rather than 12) ... as Mama Zen sez ... time is short for others to play so here I go.
Week 10 - December 24th
Browsing a bunch of blogs brought to my attention these stories of the season to warm the heart and inspire Christmas "miracles" of the memorable kind.
Week 11 - December 31
As 2007 draws to a close, I'm looking back on the year ... mostly thinking about the changes.
Well, it looks as though I wound up with 12 entries after all with 11 Mondays and 2 posts on November 12th.

With Happy Feet, I'm dancing for joy and wishing you a Happy New Year! May 2008 bring peace, prosperity, joy and wonder to all.
Wishing you all the best in 2008 and great blogging days ahead. It seems like you sure have all the techie stuff figured out!
I don't do that well...I have the simplest and plainest blog there is!
I thought about doing this meme, but mine turned out so boring that I scrapped it. I like yours, though!
Very amusing!!
Thanks to all for visiting and sharing your love.
MoI - I have learned many things in the relatively short time I've been blogging, but I also have lots of discretionary time to play. I'll never forget happening upon your lovely site with you singing that original song and seeing the amazing photos you share. Your blog seems anything but simple to me and I look forward to my visits there.
Mama Zen - I'm not sure how interesting mine is, but after I'd invested the time creating it ... there was no way I would have scrapped it.
Casdok - I'm glad you found it so. This blog is where I "play" and "experiment" ... and I share my more thoughtful side at Sacred Ruminations. Your blog is a treasure indeed. I wish I'd had you as a resource while I was teaching in the public school system. The poster that says "Label Jars Not People" is one I would have displayed prominently all the time.
I wish all of you peace, wonder, and joy in 2008.
Hugs and blessings,
What fun! Unfortunately, I don't have nearly enough entries to do this!
Karen - I did have fun revisiting earlier posts. Having the structure of Mondays (because that was the timing of my 1st post here) made the process simpler. I doubt I could have chosen which ones to use the first lines of otherwise because I'm so darned obsessive at times. Although I tried to change the font on the first one, I couldn't without retyping the sentence ... and that didn't seem right.
If you haven't done so already, please do feel free to snag (or snarf as Chani did at Sacred Ruminations) any or all of the graphics in my thank you posts on either blog. Of all my readers, YOU deserve them most for visiting often and commenting consistently … even though I know you’re busy with your son and husband. You rock buddy! Even if you can't put them in your sidebar easily, they could come in handy illustrating posts down the line. These might be easier because they’ll be jpegs instead of HTML code like the Christmas Carol Award.
Hugs and blessings,
Very interesting looking back with you. I think you and I started blogging about the same time. You have a lot more 'fun' stuff than I do, but I'm satisfied with what I have. I learn new things all the time and keep tweaking. My next big thing will be posting some of my own photos. I got a digital camera for Christmas.
Eve - I'll look forward to your photos. I love my digital camera!!! In fact, today I did Wordless Wednesday posts on both my blogs because I'd written enough words lately to wear myself out. Thanks for visiting.
Hugs and blessings,
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