Last November I took a blog quiz
and learned I was a Daisy ...
"You are just a sweet person. When a friend needs a shoulder to cry on, you are happy to offer yours with a box of tissues as well. Once in awhile, you wish you could be a little more dramatic but then sensibility sets back in and you know that you are perfect the way you are."
I added these results to my sidebar atSacred Ruminations,
but yesterday
when visiting Sonya's blog,
I tried it again and got THIS result.

"Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."
How can that be?
I think I'd rather be a Daffodil
or a Rose!
click here.
If you do
(since I'm curious)
I'm hoping you'll share your results
either in comments below
or on your blog,
linking back here so I'll know.
LOL Virginia, the same thing happened to me. I am a snapdragon too. Though snapdragons are nice in the garden, I don't think I'd like to be one. Possibly a violet, a peony or a rose, but not a snapdragon.
Thanks for the fun.
i think the last time i was a calla lily. today i am a daffodil...
"You have a sunny disposition and are normally one of the first to show up for the party. You don't need too much attention from the host once you get there as you are more than capable of making yourself seen and heard."
i always love a "blog thing" :-)
I came out Sunflower this time, but about 6 months ago I came out Snapdragon.
You Are a Canna
"You stand up for what you believe in, even if it gets in the way of what other people think. You are proud of yourself and your accomplishments and you enjoy letting people know that."
I am not familiar with the Canna. Is that a relative of cannabis? It looks kind of pretty.
I am also a snapdragon. I'll have to ponder the ramifications of that one...
I'm a Violet!
I'm a snapdragon--I've always loved the name and seen them as exotic--I'm definitely okay with it!
Mary – I’m with you on that, but it’s uncanny how many of us seem to BE Snapdragons at least some of the time.
Lucy – The daffodil descriptors do seem to “fit” for you … and I’m glad you enjoy these little quizzes. I don’t enjoy them all, but some are fun and revealing.
Kelly – Once again your link doesn’t work so I can’t visit your blog. Sunflower is one I’ve seen on other blogs when meandering, but I don’t know what the descriptors are. Did you take note of them?
Eve – I believe Canna is a bulb … similar to a Calla Lily. I’ll bet if you typed Canna flower into Google, you’d find more information than you care to know. I like the descriptors. Thanks for including them in your comment as Lucy did.
Melissa – I’ll be interested to know what your “ponderings” reveal. LOL
Mama Zen – Somehow I’m not in the least surprised to learn this. I have African violets growing in my kitchen and I love them, but I don’t have any luck growing them outdoors here at the beach.
Karen – It’s good to know you’re happy with your results. I like the appearance of Snapdragons, but they’re just hard to grow here at the beach.
Thanks to all for playing along and sharing. I’ve “played” a bit with the quiz … answering as I suspect a few friends and family members might and also just randomly to gather results … (yes I do have too much time on my happily retired hands don’t I?), and I may put together a post with some of my findings just because (or not).
Hugs and blessings to you all,
Apparently, I'm a violet.
"You have a shy personality. You tend to hesitate before trying new things or meeting new people. But once people get to know you, you open up and show the world what you are really all about."
Maybe on some days.
Congrats on the award. I always enjoy visiting yours.
This was FUN.
I'm a daffodil.
I was hoping for something exotic like an orchid, but I'll gladly take one of the first signs of spring. :)
Sherck – What a day for you to wander by. So … on some days you’re shy and hesitant in new situations … maybe. Interesting … you and Mama Zen as violets. What a picture!
Yoland – Thanks. I’ve been distracted lately with tennis so my posts have been somewhat “scattered” and unfocused, but there’s an end in sight so things should be more normal next week.
Bella – I’m glad you found it so. I wanted to be a daffodil … sigh! At least I can enjoy the ones sprouting in my yard currently. Last year they were amazing. I’ve got pictures on one of my early posts at Sacred Ruminations.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by, playing along, and leaving your feedback.
Hugs and blessings,
I'm a Snapdragon.
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