let this brief announcement BE my post for today. However I've decided to share the following Blogthing I found at Eve's a few days ago because I'm curious what others answers might exist because she's blue like I am.
Your Brain is Blue |
![]() Of all the brain types, yours is the most mellow. You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles. Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life. |
Interestingly -- my brain is blue too.
I'm blue, too!
I wonder - can we really be as much alike as these blogthings seem to indicate? hmmmm
Please stop by my site and read the rules, because - tag! you're it. You have been tagged with a meme. Happy Monday! :|
i'm Purple!
Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.
I'm blue too! Is it broken or are we all just that perfectly mellow? :)
I'm Yellow.
Of all the brain types, yours is the most intellectual.
You crave mental stimulation, and your thoughts tend to very complex.
Your thoughts tend to be innovative and cutting edge, though many people don't understand them.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about science, architecture, and communication.
I'm not sure about what I think about, but I can attest to people not understanding me quite a bit!
i'm blue too :-)
I'm blue, too! Giving how often we score the same on these little quizzes, it's no wonder I was drawn toward you in Taos.
To all my “mellow” Blue-Brained Buddies (Yertle, Mama Zen, Eve, Mama Geek, Lucy and Karen), I knew there was a reason we “connected” in this virtual world.
Peajay – Thanks for sharing your “purpleness” (you’ll recall I love this color and came up as purple on the crayon blogthing and “grape” on the associated one I posted previously) and the characteristics. From what I’ve read on your blog, they seem to “fit” for you from my perspective.
Melissa – How fascinating that you turn out to be the complimentary color of purple … and like with Peajay, the characteristics seem to be a “fit” from what I’ve read of you at Taking What is Left with your Haiku and Book Reviews. I notice in your profile that you’re a Pisces like me and I’m wondering when your birthday is. Mine’s the 23rd of February.
So now I’m wondering … is anyone’s brain red or pink … green or turquoise … orange, brown, tan, or black??? Inquiring minds want to know so please tell.
Hugs and blessings,
Well, I'm purple like my cousin, Peajay!! :)
HFG - Of course that doesn't surprise me in the least. Thanks for stopping by. I've been thinking of you, TB, Crystal and the rest of her family ... praying she'll recover fully. If you haven't done so, please visit Sacred Ruminations to pick a You Make My Day award for you and your hubby here:
You might enjoy watching and/or passing along the May You Be Blessed video as well.
Hugs and blessings,
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