City -- one hundred years old.
Early monochrome
images captured
evolved into bold color ...
lovely transitions

Click images to embiggen for better viewing
Learn more here about surfing history ...
I photographed these
memories this past weekend
and used Photoshop
to present them as
Mosaics on Monday ... I
hope you enjoy them

Click to embiggen for better viewing
... and for others participating in
Monochrome Manics, Mosaic Monday,
Mellow Yellow and Blue Monday.
Click for LAST WEEK's Mosaic Monday
when I played even though other's didn't
Hope everyone has a delightful day!
"Here is one of the greatest questions you will ever ask and answer: What one skill, if I developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my career?" Brian Tracy
Glad you liked the selection.
I see a tiny bit of BLUE. Thanks for sharing. Happy 1st Blue Monday.
You are one clever gal. I enjoyed you post. Have a great day.
I'm here for MYM and yes! I saw it! :)
Very clever -- like the lurking blue. I'm still figuring out how to get my collages loaded onto Blogger -- you are way ahead of me!
Wow, I love black and white, and those are very exciting mosaics! Really nice shots.
Haiku, eh? You need to join me for my Silly Haiku Wednesday event - a different theme every week, and very addictive. Really hope to see you this week!
Nicely done. It's always nice to see H.B.
Wow! Love the monochrome, the mosaic, the yellow. So many themes and you captured them all. What is your favorite meme to photograph? Should I say, what one do you feel like you get the best shots with?
Must be such fun to look at that gorgeous surfer - bold red! Looks good in red and monochrome - I guess in any other color spectrum :)
Love the mellow yellow!! Perfect summer post!
I like the way you worked the blue into the borders of your color collages. It wasn't easy to decide, but I think I like the monochrome collages best.
My goodness! That's a lot of multi-tasking! I enjoyed your sunny yellow mosaic!
All very interesting. My list of meme ideas gathered grow in my head - need to write them down! There is much to think about here. Will be back.
what an interesting question you ask there in the "thought for today" hmmm I shall leave pondering!
I enjoy the mosaics - fun. Nice job meeting 4 memes at once!
Very creative.
Oh I could use a good tall glass of ice cold lemonade right now!
Great shots and I love the way you put them together!
Great job with your mosaics. I like the images and how they work so well in mosaic form.
You always have a great selection and creativity.
P.S. Lake Shrine is free and open 7 days a week. Parking might be difficult, so check out street parking.
Very nice! Why not multi-task, we all have to during busy times :-)
I love your mosaics both with the color and black and white! Fun!
WoW!! Those are really great! I especially love the Lemonade in B/W. What I think would be super cool is to hand color a dab of yellow here and there in the small images. Woooo.... I want to play with something like these. I like, I like!!!
Lovely work, friend! :)
Great multitasking! I love the lemonade stand.
Oh what a terrific set of images! Thanks so much for sharing your weekend at Mosaic Monday. :)
Great mosaics! What program do you use? Surfing is one of my favorite photo subjects.
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts
Great collage from Photoshop! You have creative mind to patiently do all these things to share with us. That's a Spirit!
Nothing beats better than a cool lemonade drink on a hot summer day :)
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