Scroll down for NORAD tracks Santa Around the World!
Check out the Twelve Days of Christmas above
and click to listen to a unique version.
Rerun "Snow Fun" and Inspiration All in One
From December 28th, 2007 - Revised & Republished Today
(Click above for the original)

and follow the directions.
Earlier today (back on 12-28-08), I shared a couple of personal memories on my other blog along with the inspirational video that triggered them. If you haven't visited there and have a bit of time, you might find these links worth checking out. (If you didn't know me back then, and you enjoy my personal memories & reflective anecdotes ... these are definitely for you.)
(including lots of games when you click various places)
and information about About Santa.
"Santa Cams are ultra-cool, high-tech, high-speed digital cameras pre-positioned at many locations around the world only on Christmas Eve. The cameras capture images and videos of Santa and his reindeer as they make their journey around the world. Come back to this page on December 24 to see Santa fly!" VideosSmall Reflections ... Smile Back
are at Happily Retired Gal today
& a Slice of Life Piece
Memories of Dad
is yesterday's post there.
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
e e cummings
What a cool clip! I'll have to share this with my daughter :) she is fascinated with Santa this year.
The snowglobe was too much fun ;o) I shook it hard, too...
I so love tracking Santa each year. Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
I love your 12 days of Christmas!
I have awarded you the Lemonade Award. Please visit here for details.
I'm remembering the globle--and how much fun it is! (I'm trying to get to it, but all I'm getting are blog entries and no graphics.)
Right now, my little guy is totally into his chocolate advent calendar--it has been surprisingly easy, getting him up for school in the mornings. Like his mom, he can't wait for his chocolate fix!
Ah, Christmas...
What a lot of 'goodies' you have tucked into this post. I loved the animations for the 12 days of Christmas, and the NORAD video. So cute!
Thanks for the tracking on Santa and the snow globe. I showed my daughter these this morning and she just giggled in delight. That was fun!
Thanks for the Small Reflections. They were my greatest discovery. I love your blog - I bathe in beauty peace and love that radiate from your verses.
Wow ... thank you!
I saw it in your reader so I played along. Big hug. :)
You Are a Norwegian Forest Cat
You are both athletic and adventurous.
You dream of climbing the highest mountain and surfing the biggest waves.
While you are active and spirited, you are also sweet and cuddly.
You're very family oriented, and you love to be around people.
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