I have been tagged by my friend Chuck at Foster Me Up (who was tagged by Milton from Bluedreamer 5) with the 'Top 5 Hottest Blogs Meme'.
Chuck wrote: "This, of course for me, will be impossible. I will not be able to pick 5 and will be sad once I've completed my task. But, I'll play anyway and work on getting over it."
I confess that I wasn't sure how to even approach this task ... (in fact it's taken me a week to settle on this list) ... but I'm honored to be nominated and felt duty-bound to make a sincere effort, so here goes (with my apologies for all of you whose blogs I enjoy reading who didn't make the 'Top 5' today).
***start copy here***
1. Simply choose five blogs you want to be included in your “top five list”.
2. Give a short line or explanation why you put them on your list. One explanation for each blog.
3. Now tag as many blogs as you want.You can also tag those blogs you have listed in your TOP FIVE….you can also put your own blog in your list if you want
4. For those who have been tagged, you can also vote for a blog that was been nominated already (besides, this is what this meme is intended for, to know how many bloggers will nominate your blog)
5. Submit you TOP FIVE HOTTEST BLOG ENTRY here. Submitted blogs will be the only one to be included in the tally
6. Remember: Submissions of entries starts from MARCH 1 2008 to MARCH 25 2008 and top five hottest blog winners will be announced on MARCH 29 2008
7. Enjoy listing your top five!!!
***end copy here***
Here are my nominations (although as Chuck said ... please keep in mind I have other favorites, and this is really killing me):
1. Sandy at Momisodes is funny, endearing, and talented. She's a WAHM with a toddler who entertains her many faithful readers with delightful personal stories, wonderful photos with clever captions, and timely information on a variety of topics in addition to visiting & emailing her 'blogging buddies' constantly. I don't know how she manages everything, but I'm happy she's in this 'virtual' world.
2. Lucy of Diamonds in the Sky With Lucy and (more recently) Lucy Creates see's Lucy (of Peanuts Cartoon fame) as her 'alter-ego' ... and uses this 'playful, cynical, carefree, serious, helpful, loner' as her muse ... for inspiration and balance. This blogger is a 'middle-aged woman with the heart of a child' ... married to a photographer who takes gorgeous photos ... and shares her creativity daily.
3. At The Joy of Six, Joy (mother of 4 grown children & grandmother twice over) describes herself as a skeptical 'Blogaholic' who loves to hear and tell life's stories. She creates and shares humorous anecdotes based on personal experience along with sets of photos that elicit awe, laughter, inspiration, and wonder.
4. I first discovered Sandy Carlson at Writing in Faith through her unique and informative Thursday Thirteen posts, but soon found much richness to draw me back on other days of the week. She's a teacher, writer, wife & mother in addition to being a published poet. FYI -- She and another gal have just started a new blog, One Single Impression that is a community of poets writing and sharing haiku and other poetic forms.
5. Claudia at On a Limb, founder of the Open Grove. On this blog she 'shares her quirky experiences and impressions about holistic living, spirituality and life' and, in addition, she's the originator of the Everyday Kindness 'blog' movement.
These are my Top 5 Blogs nominees!
Anyone else wishing to participate, please feel free to do so and ensure that after posting go here and list your 5 nominations. I tag the above 5 nominees and anybody else who would like to play. I'm hopeful some of you will take up the challenge ... and click the link above to VOTE for your favorite blogs too ;--)
Miscellaneous 'business' of the day: If you took the weekend off, be advised that (as usual) I didn't ;--)
1. Natually, I shared morning thoughts in Haiku on Friday here (with a Friendship Chain in case you'd like to play along and see what happens) and another here on Spontaneity.
2. Saturday I thanked others for awards and passed along 'bling' to blogging buddies ... and I responded to the 1st prompt from One Single Impression.
3. Sunday I added color from my yard, inviting visitors to sit a spell and shared 'seven really good things' from the past week.
4. Today I'll be off in the real world ... connecting with friends at 'Retired Gals Lunch' ... then having 'tea & more conversation' after checking out progress of the 'remodel' at Carol's house ... so I'll be catching up on blog visits all week.
Thought for Today
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true." Richard Bach
Thank you very much for the award! I will proudly wear it in my sidebar! I will also try this meme, but it is really hard to pick just five (as you said :o). Thanks again!!!
Thank you once again Virginia. The next few days will be a little busy; but I'll try to get to this meme as soon as I can. You amaze me at how well you cover everything that comes your way. Have a great week sweetie...
Good Morning Storyteller! I enjoyed reading your top 5. I am going to check them out...one cannot hae too many friends in the blogosphere! Have a grand day!
Ivanhoe – You’re most welcome! I’m happy to share and pleased that you’re going to consider the meme. It is a challenging one!
Joy – You’re most welcome. Don’t stress yourself over this. I took a whole week before posting my list mainly because I had trouble deciding on just 5 … but also because I had other distractions. As for ‘covering everything’ … oh my! You should see my desk and the unaddressed ‘memes’ in the over-flowing folder on my computer. I’m anything but ‘on top of’ everything, but I do enjoy posting something here daily … and every few days on my other blog.
Greatfullivin – Thanks … and I hope you meet some bloggers you enjoy when you visit them. One of the reasons I put ‘links’ in my ‘bling’ posts is to introduce blogging friends to one another ;--)
Thanks to each of you for stopping by and I wish you all a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
I really love your quote for today - it's so true, and I think so many people are hesitant to realize it!
I have yet to do the Fives..hope I'll get done with it. :-) Love reading your answers. And I love Momisodes too.
Great answers- and Happy Meme Monday! I love reading what other people have to say!
I'll have to check out the top 5 blogs that made your list. I'm sure if you think they are that good, then I know I would enjoy them as well.
Love your thought for the day, as usual.
Have a great week.
Oh, did you visit Phyllis to enter the drawing for a free handbag that she made? She does beautiful work. If not, vist my post for today for details, in case you are interested.
Annie – I’m glad you liked it. I try to remind myself of this truth regularly because it’s all too easy to lose sight of ;--)
Zamejias – I’d hate to admit how many ‘memes’ are in my ‘to-do’ folder and may never get done … but I do what I can. I like the idea of doing them on one day only.
Pam – I love visiting others too (when time permits) and am amazed at how many memes you knocked off today! Maybe I need to plan ahead and do them over the weekend so they’re ready to post on Monday?
Betty – I hope you enjoy the 5 I selected ;--)
I’ve been out ‘playing’ with friends in the ‘real world’ so I’ve not done much ‘blog visiting’ today … but I’ll catch up during the remainder of the week. Thanks for the ‘heads-up’ about the drawing … but I’m in a mode of getting rid of stuph and am purposefully avoiding any new acquisitions of all kinds because I’m trying to simplify my life and my surroundings.
I appreciate each of you stopping by and sharing your thoughts in my absence today … and if I’ve not visited your blog today, I will as soon as time permits.
Hugs and blessings,
Wow. Thank you so much. What an honor to be a top 5 blog. Gosh... I am out of words. Thank you so very very much.
i've been tagged for the top 5 blog list too...yikes! it's gonna be so hard to choose!!
Thank you so much for playing Meme Monday this week. Hope to see you again next week.
Thanks for stopping in to visit me. I am intrigued by your top 5 list. I'll be visiting them over the next few days.
Very nice meme!!
Awww, thank you so much!! I'm sorry I'm here so late, today has been hectic here as my little one is getting sick + the usual Monday work.
Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Getting in some plantings already huh? Can't wait to do the same here soon :)
Thanks so much for thinking of me for this and all of your kind words :)
Claudia – I know the feeling … shared it when Chuck nominated me for this honor ;--)
It’s fun to pass it along and introduce more of my blog buddies to you (and vice versa).
Andrea – It was as hard as I anticipated it would be, but now that it’s done … I’m okay with it. After visiting your ‘party post’ …(and many others)… I decided to join the fun. Mine’s up today …(Tuesday)… and I’ve got freshly squeezed lemonade & snacks to share.
Livin with me – This is a wonderful idea! I’m happy to have one day of the week to devote to memes so I can allow myself freedom to post other things the rest of the week. Thanks for dropping by yesterday and I hope you visit my ‘party post’ today as well. That reminds me … I need to add the ‘Blogoholic’s Anonymous’ logo to my sidebar and let you know when I’ve done so.
Eve – It’s always a pleasure to see what you’re up to. Looks like the snow is finally melting and maybe Spring will follow soon?
Roger – Thanks! Limiting my selections to 5 was difficult … but sometimes ya gotta follow rulez ;--)
Sandy – Hey girlie! How could I not nominate you? I suspect others may have already done so, but what they hey? I just went with my gut on this one. I did have a wonderful weekend and finished by Koontz book! Most of what’s blooming in my yard came up on it’s own, but I’ve got some bedding plants to add in the sparsely populated spots. Today’s another gorgeous sunny Spring day with just enough breeze to make sitting on the patio pleasant … and methinks I’ll do that with a different book this afternoon.
Sorry to be slow in responding to these comments. I spent yesterday with friends in the ‘real world’ and spent way too much time creating this morning’s ‘party post’ … but now I’m trying to catch up. I appreciate each of you stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
Hugs and blessings,
Thanks for naming me as one of your top five! I am deeply touched. Thanks for your kind comments on my poetry this week. I hope you'll be able to particiate in One Single Impression if the spirit moves you!
God bless.
Except for Lucy's blogs, these are all new to me--I'm off to check them out. Thanks!
Sandy Carlson – You’re most welcome. I’m sure some of my ‘readers’ will enjoy your blog.
FYI - I’ve posted my One Single Impression ‘Ku for the Kindness prompt this morning at Sacred Ruminations. My 1st one is there too … posted last week though I don’t recall exactly when right now.
Karen – I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, but be warned … Nathan may start bugging you like Molly bugs me ;--)
Thanks to both of you for stopping by and have a wonderful Wednesday!
Hugs and blessings,
Looks like some excellent blogs. I will have to check them out!
Tina - I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Hugs and blessings,
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