Regular readers know that I've got quotes in the sidebar of both of my blogs, have shared a few T-13s with favorite quotes, and recently participated in a Favorite Quotes Meme after being 'tagged' by Grandy, and I usually end every post with a Thought for the Day, but here I go again with ..."... please share words that inspire and motivate you--brief or bloviatory, silly or serious, from great world leaders to last night's Comedy Central...from a Hallmark greeting card to your favorite book. Choose one, choose many; let the quotes stand on their own or tell where you first read or heard them and how they affected you. There's a lot of leeway with how this topic can be handled."
(Note: I'm trying not to be repetitiously redundant,
but some thoughts bear repeating)

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves."
"Be kind whenever possible. It's always possible."
Others derive from a wide variety of sources:
"It is better to ask some questions than to know all the answers." James Thurber
"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." John Powell
"If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing conformity of knowledge, then we may wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness." Carl Rogers
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true." Richard Bach
"Be curious, not judgmental." Walt Whitman
"If you're too busy to laugh, you're too busy period." Janet Meyer
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde
"The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter." Mark Twain
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." Henry David Thoreau
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have." Margaret Mead
"Things are only impossible until they're not." Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek" The Next Generation
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure." Helen Keller
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
"it takes courage to become who you really are" e e cummings
"It is never too late to be who you might have been." George Eliot
"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." Rumi
Never participated in a Fun Monday carnival before? You're invited to join in this week (be sure to let Robin know you're a first-timer and she'll make note in the listing).
regarding Fun Monday
Fun Monday, Who can participate? ALL bloggers who want to! This is a loosely-held meme, with the host or hostess volunteering each week, simply by alerting the current host of their interest. It's never too late to join in, hosts are always generous to add you as soon as they can. Fun Monday has an international following and it's, well, FUN to meet bluddies (blog + buddies) in "far away places."
Fun Monday, What do I need to do to participate? Simply comment to or email the host for the current week. To find out who is hosting, the burden is on simply follow the previous host's posts that will lead you to the current host. On the given Fun Monday, be sure to identify your post with "Fun Monday" somewhere in the title, link back to the host or hostess, and invite others to join. It's also fine to pick up either one of the Fun Monday logos.
Participants this week:Robin, Pensieve
Janet, From the Planet of Janet
Swampwitch, Anecdotes, Antidotes & Anodes
Lisa, Lisa's Chaos
Jo, This is Jo Beaufoix... - NEXT WEEK'S HOSTESS
Patience, Patience-Please
ChrisB, Ms Cellania
Ellen, The Happy Wonderer
Kaytabug, Lady K
Swampangel65, A Florida Journal
Mariposa, Mariposa's Tales
AOJ & The Lurchers
Carrie, Carrie & the Koehmstedts
Lisa, The Food Snob
Janjanmom, All in a Day's Work
Jan, The Prytz Family
Karina, Candid Karina
Celeste, Ragracers
Sandy, Myanderings
Alison, RDH Mom
Jenn, Simply Jenn
Pamela, The Dust Will Wait
Alix, DC Days
Deb, Deb's Buzz (One Crazy Stitcher)
Molly, Return of the White Robin
Junebug, God Put a Smile on My Face
Kim, Rainy Day Diamonds
Peculiar, How Do We Get There From Here ** FIRST FUN MONDAY! :)
Jenn V., Jenn's Inklings
Joy T., A Spot of T
Nikki, My Husband Calls Me Weird
Rotten Correspondent, Confessions of a Rotten Correspondent
Sauntering Soul
Jientje, Heaven in Belgium
Tiggerlane, The Neophyte Blogger
Beth, The First of Six
Rose, Rose's Garden ** FIRST FUN MONDAY, new blogger & Karina's mom!
Hootin' Anni, Hootin' Anni's
Melanie, Our Happy Happenings
Sayre, SayreSmiles
Jenn, Jenn and the City ** FIRST FUN MONDAY!! :)
Nutso, House of the Purple Worms
Gattina, Writer Cramps
Katie (Kitten), Kitten's Homeschool
Faye, Summit Musings
Hulagirlatheart, Growing Older but Not Up
Kim & Randy, Nekkid Lizard Adventures
Jennifer, Dust Bunny Hostage
IamwhoIam, Dungarees Ablaze
Arkansas Songbird, Quarter Notes
Arie 1965, Beyond My Slab
Rachel, Pink Basement Dweller
Dawn, Colors of Dawn
Terri, My4Kids
Kila, Momto3cubs
Stephanie, MamaDrama
Min, MamaDrama
Storyteller, Small Reflections ** FIRST FUN MONDAY!! :)
Lil Mouse, The Name was Over the Door
Baba, Night Owl
Jamie, Wisink6's Weblog ** FIRST FUN MONDAY!! :)
Oh my oh my! Do I ever LOVE all your quote choices. You've done a terrific job. But you and me both, we love our quoting quotes. They're so true to life; they're remarkable.
I did some surfing of your blog just now....that image under your caption: "Roddick won HIS match
earlier this afternoon
though his serve was 'off' ..." is awesome!!!
[if you haven't already, go over and sign Robin's comment section so other can drop by to read your Fun Monday!]
It's hard not to be inspired by the imaginations of others! Some of your choices here were familiar, others were new. Perhaps my favorites from this list are Keller's and Wilde's (for the moment, anyway...ask me again in a few hours (or minutes), and something else might hit me as "favorite" :) ).
GLAD you joined in this week...hope it won't be your last FM!
You got some goodies here! I love the one about if you're too busy to laugh you're too busy!!
Good morning, My profession in life was always helping others..I enjoyed reading your quotes, thanks for sharing...
What a fantastic list!! Some are favorites of mine but I think the one that speaks to me most is the Dr. Seuss quote. "Be who you are say what you feel..." That sums me up, and that is how I write my blog too!
I just LOVE all of the quotes you shared! Happy first Fun Monday!!
Your quote choices are terrific. I surfed down a little further and I especially like the ones from Abrahm Lincoln and Sidney J. Harris. I've got to borrow the "Compared to what?" quote. Thanks for sharing
You have a lot of good choices!
What a terrific assortment of quotes! Love the mixture and the people they came from. I think I read the Dr. Seuss quote somewhere else today, too!
It's been so interesting to read the quotes that everyone has posted. I think I need to start a little notebook with all of them in it to keep with me and read when I'm "down". I think they'd cheer me up!
I love all your quotes, but especialy the ones from Dalai Lama.
Hope you had fun with your first Fun Monday, I Know I did.
Great inspiring choices.
Hi!! First time at your site, and it ROCKS!!
J'adore your inspirational messages!
My husband and I are especially inspired by the Dalai Lama these days. My toddler daughter, however, is mighty inspired by Dr. Suess. (OH, the places she'll go!!!)
Some very positive quotes there! Good choices!
Very inspiring quotes! I really love, "Be curious, not judgemental" and "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Thanks for sharing and uplifting us all...Hugs!
Another Dr S fan I see thanks for the post
A wonderful collection of quotes; some old favourites and some new to me so thank you for sharing.
Hootin’ Anni – Yup … I do love quotes and the Roddick shot was a good find to use in my ‘tennis’ recap. Thanks for the reminder to sign up with Robin to get on the Fun Monday list this morning. Interesting group of bloggers participating in this meme ;--)
Robin – You’re right about ‘being inspired by the imaginations of others’ … and I appreciate you adding me to the Fun Monday list and leaving your comments here. I’ll be thinking about next week’s topic and may go with it … if any ‘crushes’ come to mind. If not, I’ll watch for future topics I can relate to.
Ellen – Ah yez … laughter is necessary for healthy living ;--)
Baba – It’s nice to meet you! Thanks for visiting and leaving your comment so I could follow the link back to your blog where I’ve left you a comment.
Katabug – I’m pleased you think so. Thanks for making me feel ‘welcome’ to Fun Monday! Dr. Seuss did have a wonderful way with words ;--)
Jenn – I appreciate your kind words regarding my quotes and knowing you clicked through some of my posts for additional quotes. I hope you enjoy your flight!
Kitten – Thanks for the feedback and the welcome ;--)
SwampAngel – I’m a rather ‘eclectic’ type … and friends sometimes laugh at the connections and combinations of thoughts I string together. I loved this Fun Monday and fully intend to visit participants time didn’t permit me to visit today. I found a few new ‘favorite’ quotes to add to my own collection.
Rose – I’m glad you enjoyed my quote selection. The Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh are most inspirational … and now that I type this response, I realize I didn’t include a quote from the ‘latter’ but his book Peace is in Every Step is awesome.
Jan – I’m happy you found them inspiring ;--)
Stephanie – Thanks for you kind feedback about my blog. I do my best and enjoy meeting new bloggers. As for wisdom … Dr. Seuss and the Dalai Lama have much in common.
AOJ – I try to keep my focus on the positive as much as humanly possible.
Greatfullivin – You’re quite welcome. Thanks for your visit and kind comment.
IamwhoIam – Dr. Seuss is hard to resist ;--)
ChrisB – I appreciate your feedback. Thanks for stopping by.
This was my first Fun Monday and I enjoyed visiting many of this week’s participants already. This was a wonderful topic! I fully intend to visit everyone in the days to come and continue to add quotes to my collection. I appreciate all of you visiting Small Reflections and leaving your feedback.
Hugs and blessings,
I loved the quotes by Oscar Wilde and Margaret Mead the most. I really enjoyed reading all of your quotes. You do a great job with selecting them. Welcome to your first Fun Monday. I join you in this being my first also. I really had fun!! I'd like to look around your blog now. I've been doing this to different ones throughout the day and have really enjoyed the ones I can get to.
Peculiar - Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment today. Like you, I tried to spend some time checking out many of the blogs I visited today for Fun Monday … and I loved reading the quotes everyone shared. Some were new … others familiar … but the niftiest thing is meeting interesting bloggers like yourself. It looks like you’re even newer to the Blogosphere than I am ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
"...the power to make it come true..." I love ILLUSIONS. Must open this book again. It's been far too long.
Enjoyed all your quotes. You made very good choice. I also read Anni's quotes and enjoyed those.
Hope all is well with you.
Welcome to Fun Monday..I love all your quotes but the ones from Dalai Lamai are my favorite.
everyone else is already taken. -- that was a wonderful.
I wish I could memorize them all
I love all the quotes, but the Mark Twain and Dr. Seuss quotes are particularly resonating this morning. Lately, I have truly been trying to laugh about things, instead of crying. In fact, my Karen Ann/Gabrielle Suzanne entry (with photos) came from a place of misery--I sat down in front of my computer and thought, I don't want to be here. I don't want to be me. And at first, I was going to seriously write about that--but then I started thinking about my name, and then before I knew it, I was laughing and searching the web for the perfects pictures. Choosing to write humorously from a moment of despair saved me on that day.
And Dr. Seuss--I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying reading him to Nathan! The man resonates with good sense! I was pondering that particular quote, thinking about the people in my life, and at first, I thought it was only partially true. There are people who matter who mind in my life--but then I thought, truly? Do they really, really matter? A solid no was the answer.
Why can't I remember this? I feel like I need it etched on my forehead!
You got so many good ones! My favorite is: "It is never too late to be who you might have been."
Oh, and I have something for you at my place... :o)
Sayre – I’m happy to have reminded you of ‘Illusions’ this morning … a book well worth revisiting often.
Mary – Thanks … all’s well here in So Cal. Life is good, if busy again ;--)
Alison – I loved visiting the Fun Monday group today, so thanks for the welcome.
Pamela – I tend to write these on ‘post its’ and place them in ‘strategic’ spots until they become ‘fixed’ in mind. It’s fun learning what ‘resonates’ with each of you today.
Karen – If I had a nickel for every time I’ve had to ‘relearn’ something …(ad nauseum)… I’d be able to travel lots more than I do! LOL It’s why I have little ‘post-its’ all over my house … quotes in the sidebars of my blogs and programmed into my PDA … because none of us ‘remembers’ all the time. One of the things I miss most about being ‘retired’ is the regular exposure to kids and children’s books to keep me ‘grounded’ … though Molly does her best to serve as a reminder to live now and laugh often.
Ivanhoe – I’m glad you think so. The George Eliot quote ‘resonates’ with me lately too. I’ll be over in a little while to see what’s there.
I appreciate each of you visiting and sharing your thoughts. Take care and be at least as good to yourself as you are to others.
Hugs and blessings,
I love all these quotes. Very good choice for Fun Monday.
Of course, you can snag the cartoon from my sidebar. I don't mind at all.
Wow! You posted some gems :) I've never read some of these before. I especially loved this one: "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde- very clever :)
Betty – Thanks … I’ve decided to put it in my sidebar and to use it at the top of the page for April Fool’s Day because it’s fun and I’ve not created a ‘Tuesday’ post yet ;--)
Sandy – I’m glad you enjoyed them. The Oscar Wilde one has been a favorite of mine for a while.
I appreciate both of you stopping by today and commenting. I’ve actually been ‘distracted’ by a variety of things this morning (not the least of which is clearing out Google Reader after putting out the trash this morning … somehow these tasks seem related) and having gotten around to creating anything to share today … but I’m hoping to settle down soon. Hope you’re both having a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
That is a great list of quotes and I'll be back to jot some down. Living in the present is the hardest, isn't it. :)
All great quotes! And ee cummmings? One of my ALL TIME favorite there's someone who know how to break all the rules and just be himself...his work proves it beyond the shadow of a doubt!
Lisa Marie – Thanks … and yes! Living in each moment takes some concentrated practice until it becomes a habit ;--)
Karina – He did set a wonderful example for us … didn’t he?
Pensieve – Thanks for adding the LINK back to your post with all the participants making it easy for me (and others) to visit those we missed on Monday. I notice a Mr. Linky there today I don’t recall from Monday. Is that going to be a feature of future Fun Mondays?
I appreciate your comments and hope you’re having a wonderful week.
Hugs and blessings,
Thank you, Storyteller, for all the great quotes. I especially enjoyed the wisdom from Oscar Wilde, and the laughter it evokes.
Thank you for the lovely haiku you wrote in response to my haiku post on LAUGHTER.
Have a beautiful day. :)
Joyce – I’m happy you enjoyed them and I always enjoy my visits to your blog. I almost missed your comment because I’ve been ignoring my gmail … but this morning I’m taking the time to clear it out before I get busy with other things. I appreciate your visit and kind words on my posts.
Hugs and blessings,
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