This Blog-thing came up as a "random choice" while I was doing the "inner child" quiz from
Lucy's today. I used a different Quiz at
Sacred Ruminations earlier and found myself pondering a variety of issues there for quite some time this morning. It's all saved as a "draft" as I go about the day's activities ... but here I am generating a similar (but different) post. If you take this quiz, I hope you'll share YOUR results in a comment (or a link to your Blog if you'd rather share there).
Your Luck Quotient: 84% |
 You have an extremely high luck quotient. Not only do you consider yourself lucky, probably everyone you know does too. But you're smart enough to know that you've mostly made your own luck. By being positive, open, and flexible, a lot of luck has come your way! |
How Lucky Are You?I'm reminded that over the past week or so, Bloggers have discussed a "Reading-level Analysis" tool that apparently analyzes URLs and assigns a "rating" from Elementary School to "Genius" levels. If you want to give it a try, it's
here. When I've tried it, this Blog comes up College Undergrad Level, but Sacred Ruminations comes up "Genius Level" ... but since I write them both, I can't help but wonder what criteria is used. The one thing I am relieved about is that they neither comes up "Junior High" where I know from experience, hormones are raging and the brain is "on hold" for the most part. If you'd care to share ... feel free to add to your Quiz results.
For the "public service" part of this post, I offer the following link to a one at
Living on Purpose that asks the question ... "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" If you decide to consider the question on your Blog, be sure to leave a link here. I'll do likewise. That way we can share our answers with other another.
In case you missed yesterday's winner ...Congratulations
to Carrie of
Earthmovers and Sandcastles
who is the 4th person
to correctly identify all ten of
the Christmas Carols
in the Quiz.
Reminder: You've got 3 more days to figure out the Christmas Carol Quiz answers and email them to me. Did you notice the "snowy" effects in the award Mary created that's now displayed in the sidebar here? As previously announced: Peajay, Joy and John were the first 3 Bloggers to get all 10 correct and have the Small Reflections Christmas Carol Quiz Award to post on their Blogs. Who's going to be next?
Happy 9th night of Hannukah
to all those who celebrate
this holiday.
I'm feeling lucky already!! I'm the first one to comment (almost never happens). This test was never asked how many "accidents" I've had, which I thought would for sure send me in to the tween percentage of luck factor. Here's what I got.
You have a high luck quotient.
More often than not, you've felt very lucky in your life.
You may be randomly lucky, but it's probably more than that.
Optimistic and open minded, you take advantage of all the luck that comes your way.
Grandy - I'm glad to know you're feeling lucky today.
I hadn't considered the "accident factor" ... and am assuming one might view them as negative things with an inverse relationship to luck per se, but some accidents have happy outcomes ... so perhaps it's a null effect? (I'm clearly too tired for this and need to turn off the computer NOW because my thinking is becoming convoluted!) LOL
Hugs and blessings,
I got an 83% so we may be a lot alike. Interesting quiz. Thank you for visiting me.
The similarity of our scores on this Blogthing is intriguing Moanna! I've been trying to respond to your comment since early this morning, but things are running very
S L O W L Y on this Blog. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the T-13 posts and their Blogroll? I know THEIR site is VERY slow most of the time, but Thursdays it becomes snail-like. It was a pleasure to visit your site, and I'm sure I'll return often.
Hugs and blessings,
Well, okay--I 45%--average. I think, though, that I'm getting better--I know that what I think determines to a great extent what happens to me.
The blog rater wasn't able to "read" my blog--so I don't know what's up with that.
And I'm about to give up on the quiz--I thought the hints would help, but they didn't--I still don't have the last two. I thought the quiz would be a breeze--hah!!
Karen -- methinks it's time to lighten up on yourself ... Seriously girl! LOL I don't know about the Readability thing. It worked for both of mine. Maybe it has something to do with Typepad or the fact your blog is new and doesn't have many posts yet? As for the Christmas Carol Quiz, send what you've got to my gmail acount, not MSN. It's ... once you do I'll bet the last two will snap into place. Joy did that and it worked for her. Actually, 100% hardly seems necessary for the award ... so maybe I'll encourage others to do likewise. I've been working on Akelamalu's 2nd Quiz and have 7 of the 10, but can't get the last 3 either. These things happen, so don't sweat the small stuph.
Hugs and blessings,
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