but I've got a FeedBurner Link
and a picture by my name
so ...

I've jumped on the RSS FeedBurner band-wagon. After finding links like this on other blogs useful to me as I've wandered the Blogosphere, I decided to experiment here. I'm not sure exactly how all this works, but since I've used a "reader" for a while now (thanks to Annie), if linking up like this makes it easier for others to keep track of things, I'm willing to give it a go. So ... you'll notice the RSS "Subscribe" logo in my Sidebar. Hopefully this makes it simpler if you use a "reader" and wish to subscribe. If you encounter problems, please let me know so I can make modifications as necessary.
While I had Kara on the phone, I asked her to help me add a picture to my profile (something I've been trying to do for a couple of weeks now without success because I couldn't figure out WHERE to add it) but she directed me to the Bloggers Dashboard. Yes, it was there all along in the upper right hand corner ... clear as day! EDIT PROFILE (duh). I've searched every menu in Settings and Layout multiple times on numerous occasions, but it never occurred to me to check the Dashboard. Sigh! I don't think I've looked at that page since late October when I created my blogs. Doesn't the holiday wreath Mary made for me look festive? I'm happy to add that I've already passed this information on to another blogger seeking help a little while ago, and share it here for anyone else struggling with this challenge.
I'm pleased to report that I've been keeping things under control finally with Google Reader by choosing the "Mark all as read" option every time I add a new blog ... something I could have done all along, but for some reason couldn't make myself do until "rambling" about this dilemma recently at Sacred Ruminations and deciding to take action. MSN is another matter.
And finally (as promised previously) here are the "now you see them, now you don't ... oh there they are again" holiday decorations in my neighbor's yard. It seems these little Christmas Critters scurry to take cover when the rains come, but return to their places when the sun comes out again. Only in Southern California, right?

Last Call!
Wow! They have some beautiful decorations :)
We just moved out of Southern California last year, and oh how we miss it this time of year in Massachusetts :(
Sandy - I don't envy your Massachusetts weather because I've seen the snow in the photos on your blog. I shiver just looking at them. I did spend a Christmas in Minnesota in 1975 and know first hand what cold is.
Yes -- they do have lovely both decorations inside and out, reminding me of what lengths I used to go to in the good old days. It's nice to enjoy theirs w/o all the work.
Hugs and blessings,
Not getting to writing the blog post until afternoon would have been doing very well for me--I came in the door of my apartment at 11:50 last night and had to scramble to get something up in time! Not my best effort, but we do what we can under time constraints!
Your neighbor has great Christmas decorations. I really enjoyed seeing them.
We have a nor' easter blowing here. It snowed yesterday a little and has been snowing since 7 am. It is to continue until at least 1 pm. We are going to have a bit of snow when it is finished. I will post some photos later.
Take care. Love your avatar. "giggle."
Blessings and hugs,
Sherck - I was wondering what happened to you. Clicking on the link just now and realizing you've got 5 new posts on your blog sent me back to my Google Reader to see how they slipped through the cracks. It’s strange ... because they didn't show up. So, I unsubscribed to the original link and re-subscribed just now. There they are ... but just abbreviated teasers rather than the whole thing. Guess you want to make us show up at your blog to read, eh? I'll have to return later because my system is moving too slowly to do much of anything at the moment. Just getting the comments page here to come up again after checking your blog and GR has taken forever.
For now, I'll just add ... thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you managed to post something in the last 10 minutes before midnight.
Mary - a nor'easter huh. To think, this morning I told Molly she needed to wait until it warmed up here to take a walk. A friend just called from Minnesota, mentioned the sunny warm weather (after telling me about the recent snowfall). I asked what warm was and she said 20 degrees! Brrrrrrr ... that's NOT warm even if the sun's out. Seriously!!!
I'm glad you like seeing the decorations. I suspected you'd enjoy my "avatar" (it that what they're called?). Thanks again
Hugs and blessings,
Your decorations and weather look wonderful!
Thanks Kelly - The weather has been delightful (once the winds died down) but we're in for rain next week with three storms coming ashore over a 5-6 day period. I hope that doesn't cause more problems for those who survived Octobers fires in So Cal. These decorations are in my neighbor's yard, but I'm enjoying them vicariously. You have to go back a few posts to see mine (from yesteryear) and the windy weather posts with palm fronds (that still cover the street two weeks after they fell). But I'm NOT complaining ... no siree! I'm glad we don't have snow, ice, sleet, floods, and nor'easters!
Home schooling 6 kids from middle school to kindergarteners ... now THAT takes creativity and determination! The happily retired teacher in me bows to the on-th-job homeschooling teacher in you. Namaste.
Hugs and blessings,
Your neighbor does have some nice decorations. She must have a lot of free time if she's taking them in and putting them back out all the time. We lived in Phoenix area for 7 years. I always long to go back for the winter. I think my favorite Christmas display ever was in Sun City West. They tried to get every home and business to put out and light luminaries on Christmas Eve. It made a spectacular display.
Eve – Thanks for visiting. As for my neighbors, both she and her husband work and aren’t around days. Since these are little furry stuffed animals, they wouldn’t last long in the rains we’ve had lately, so if they forget to gather them up before it rains, one of the neighbors or I does it for them. I’m not the only happily retired person here:)
Hugs and blessings,
Isn't it nice when someone else does all the work, and you can just enjoy?
Yes, Karen ... but I always seem to find SOMETHING to keep me busy. LOL Isn't that always the way things go? I hope you're having fun this morning with your blogging. Guess you've been busy with holiday stuph at home with relatives coming to visit and all. It's good to see you out and about, but please don't overdo.
Hugs and blessings,
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