Once upon a time, a few years back a friend helped me decorate for the holidays each year on the day after Thanksgiving. Making my home festive encouraged others on the block to do likewise. This collage is composed of photos from 2003 and 2004 mixed together, and illustrates Christmas Past.

to Carrie of
Earthmovers and Sandcastles
who is the 4th person
to correctly identify all ten of
the Christmas Carols
in the Quiz.
Reminder: You've got 4 more days to figure out the Christmas Carol Quiz answers and email them to me. Did you notice the "snowy" effects in the award Mary created that's now displayed in the sidebar here? As previously announced: Peajay, Joy and John were the first 3 Bloggers to get all 10 correct and have the Small Reflections Christmas Carol Quiz Award to post on their Blogs.
Who's going to be next?
to all those who celebrate
this holiday.
Very nice. My decorations get more simple each year and today was 70 degrees which makes me want to plant bulbs rather than put up lights!
Great decorations! I love the reindeer. Those are my daughters favorite whenever we drive by decorated front lawns. That's very neat that you sparked the decorating spirit in the neighborhood....I guess you've passed on the torch :)
We've actually started to add more and more decorations since Nathan was born. I used to think people were crazy, but darn it, it DOES look nice. And children really do love it!
Colleen - I hear ya! :)
Actually, I'm often surprised at how early the bulbs sprout here. My Iris crop was something to behold last year after stripping my lawn. I planted a few bulbs almost 30 years ago and sister ... have they ever multiplied! I've got pictures somewhere in an early post on one of my Blogs, but for the life of me ... I can't recall just where or when at the moment. Sigh! Such is life.
Sandy - I love those reindeer too. I'm glad to have “passed the torch” in the neighborhood because the older I get, the less energy I have to spend on such things ... but I love seeing the holiday spirit on display.
Karen - this is the way of things in life. We do these things for our kids until they grow up and can do them for themselves ... and perhaps us :)
Thanks to all for visiting. Happy Holidays to you and yours, and of course ...
Hugs and blessings,
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