By popular request, I've decided to check out & share another long lost graphic piece created in 2001 with the help of MultiMate on my now defunct Palm V (may it RIP with all the data it consumed). Long live my Palm Life Drive. :)
As before, I have no idea what it says ... but this time I'll know enough to click on it once I publish this post and see (thanks to Deborah at Spiritual Anecdotes).
Addendum: Well ... I hope YOUR eyes are better than mine, for even when clicked on, these old eyes can't decipher what it says this morning. I wonder if I have the "original" around here somewhere? As I recall, the MultiMate left a paper trail in addition to an electronic one. (either 5x7 or perhaps 4x6. This piece IS visually reminiscent & representative of the larger 8x12 pieces in my collection created by hand with pen & ink. Those might be more easily read once scanned ... but I have no time to spend with Picasa or Flickr today ... so they'll will have to wait for now. Consider this an appetizer (or teaser?) ... your choice.
I'm still working on deciphering your little scribble...but it's very cool. Yep, the old eyes aren't the same as they used to be.
Hi and thanks,
If you figure it out, let ME know. :)
I've been looking for a magnifying glass off and on this morning, but haven't found one anywhere yet. I've been to my Weight Watchers meeting and returned for my Telecall with a training course on "Letting Go of the Fear of Getting Known" that I've been taking since my return from Taos ... and just a few minutes ago I set up Stat Counter on both my sites because Suzanne, our teacher, suggested we do so. It makes sense to listen since I'm paying for her input. The tough thing has been that her focus has changed since I signed up ... and a lot of what she's teaching is stuph I'm just not ready to implement ... yet. I need to get my feet wet first ... just as I've been doing ... accumulate some experience ... and return to the information later. I sense it will have value eventually ... just not into it now. She does tell us often that wherever we are is okay ... and that's reassuring.
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