The best of friends,
Can change a frown,
Into a smile,
when you feel down.
The best of friends,
Will understand,
Your little trials,
And lend a hand.
The best of friends,
Will always share,
Your secret dreams,
Because they care.
The best of friends,
Worth more than gold,
Give all the love,
A heart can hold.
by Jill Wolf

Betty (of Betty's This and That) tagged me for this new friendship meme after being tagged by Phyl at Scrappy Happy who started this 'Circle Tag' idea.
Phyllis tagged the following friends saying:
Alana, Betty, Mo, Cricket, Jay, Noel, Brandy, luvmy4sons, Joyce, Sandy, Apron Queen, Chuck, Judi, Jennifer, Tracy, Khris, Ursula, Jenni, Amanda, Chris, Carolyn, Ann, Becky, Regina
"I have lots of girls in my circle and decided that they all needed to know that someone cares about them and appreciate the difference they make in my life. If you are here it may be because I tagged you as one of the girls in my circle! If I didn't tag you , no offense intended. Tag! You're it! Consider yourself tagged."
Betty tagged the following folks:
So ... I downloaded the 'code' at Scrappy Happy and notice it has a place to 'insert links' in the script. Because they've NOT done so and since I'm always looking for 'new things to master' I've decided to see if I can make this work ... inserting their names along with the names of the friends I decide to tag ... and see what happens ;--)
Okay ... I've added the names of the gals they tagged and inserted numbers in the link below ... discovering the count is up to 34 ... so I'll start adding names at 35 as I add (and tag) the following 12 friends myself:
1. Joy (The Joy of Six)
2. Sandy (Momisodes)
3. Lucy (Lucy Creates and Diamonds in the Sky)
4. Rhonda (Foster Me Up)
5. Karen (Journey to Authenticity)
6. Yertle (Smile, Play, Dream)
7. Joyce (Mom's Musings)
8. MPJ (A Room of Mama's Own)
9. Ivanhoe (Communique by Ivanhoe)
10. Mo (Gratitude Journal)
11. Eve (Adamswife's)
12. Mary (Writing Nook)
13. If you'd like to be 'tagged' add yourself here before selecting friends of your own to include ;--)

Consider yourself tagged.
1. Alana 2. Betty 3. Mo 4. Cricket 5. Jay 6. Noel 7. Brandy 7. luvmy4sons 9. Joyce 10. Sandy 11. Apron 12. Queen 13. Chuck 14. Judi 15. Jennifer,16. Tracy, Khris,17. Ursula,18. Jenni, 19. Amanda 20. Chris 21. Carolyn 22. Ann 23. Becky 24. Regina, 25. Linda, 26. Virginia, 27. Phyl, 28. Baba, 29. Sandy, 30. Hope 31. Diane 32. Karen H 33. Lib 34. BJ 35. Joy (The Joy of Six) 36. Sandy (Momisodes) 37. Lucy (Lucy Creates and Diamonds in the Sky) 38. Rhonda (Foster Me Up) 39. Karen (Journey to Authenticity) 40. Yertle (Smile, Play, Dream) 41. Joyce (Mom's Musings) 42. MPJ (A Room of Mama's Own) 43. Ivanhoe (Communique by Ivanhoe) 44. Mo (Gratitude Journal) 45. Eve (Adamswife's) 46. Mary (Writing Nook) 47. ***INSERT NAMES AND LINKS OF WHO YOU ARE TAGGING HERE***
Phyl adds the following instructions:
Wanna let your friends know you love them and appreciate the difference they make in your life? Go here to learn how. Feel free to set up your own Mr. Linky at your Girls In My Circle Post. Just be sure to leave your link here so I can come put my link there:)! Let's see just how BIG this circle can get.
And I'm adding the following thought (discovered from Zenaida's Circle Tag post below).
Here is the best part: Make sure to update your list every now and then, by getting the master list here. I’ll be updating the master list every day, or as soon as I see a new blog that’s been added to the list.
In a similar vein, I found this at Verb this morning after receiving a note from Zenaida that she had some 'bling' to share.

1. Place your link after the list. If you have more than 1 blog, feel free to add them all here!
2. After placing your blog’s address(es), tag 5 or more bloggers that are not yet in the list to keep the ball rolling.
3. Here is the best part: Make sure to update your list every now and then, by getting the master list here. I’ll be updating the master list every day, or as soon as I see a new blog that’s been added to the list.
1. Momhood Moments 2. Business Mars 3. Princezz 4. Princess 5. Cecil 6. Ron & Cecil 7. Pinay Mommy Online 8 OnlineBiz and Resources 9 A Simple life 10 - moms…..check nyo 11 Mommy’s Little Corner 12 Random Thoughts 13 Paradigm 14 See Me For What You Will 15 Pamp’s Blog Corner 16 - Pampered 17 - HappyHeart 18 Qtcotzkie and Baby 19 A Sorta Fairytale 20 tragicseven 21 - Listen to the Beat! 22 Just Saying 23 Tipsy Tips 24 Different Angles 25 Delicious Corner 26 I Care 27 Blog Blag Blog 28 Daily List 29 Life’s Journey 30 Welcome to my Crib 31 A Daily Walk With Bill & Gina 32 Me,Myself + 2 33 Fun.Fierce.Fabulous 34 Mike 35 BerryScrappy 36 BloggerHappy 37 - My Planet Purple 38 - Our Journey to Life 39 - Princess Bela 40 - Kaptyurd by Howell 41 - Random Thoughts 42 - My Colorful World 43- Life's Impression 44- My so called life 45- VErb 46-Small Reflections 47- SacredRuminations 48 Your Link Here! ^_^
I'm not tagging anyone but if you want to hop in, you're all welcome ... and I'm passing along the 'bling' she shared to anyone who decides to play along with either and/or both memes. Just be sure to leave a comment and/or link back here as follow-through.

I shared awards last Wednesday too ;--)
"Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness." Richard Bach
"There is no hope of joy except in human relations." Antoine de Sainte-Exupery
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art ... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival." C. S. Lewis
"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out." Walter Winchell
Click for more Meme Monday participants.
1. Copy all the links below and replace your blog beside the appropriate letter. For example if your blog name starts with the letter “D” then replace the link beside “D” with yours, and put the replaced link at the bottom of the list. Also add the person who tagged you at the bottom of the list.
2. Tag at least 5 people and encourage them to take part of the game - tag blogs only and only those without bad rated material like pornographic, violence, racism etc.
The List:
A acowboyswife.com
B bloggingcents.com
C chatbugkaren.com
D Dance of Motherhood
E everythingandanythingblog.com
F Functional Shmunctional
G GeekMomMashup.com
H hoysater.no
I ipentimento.com
J juliesjournal.com
K kabalyero.com
L Livin’ With Me
M My Happiness Haven
N nicusor.com
O originalmx5.net
P peapodsquadstuff.com
Q qweddings.com
R ringtailsquealer.blogspot.com
S Small Reflections
T TenaciousCreations.com
U utada-online.net
V valmg.com
W wickedbabylon.com
X xaviermedia.com
Y yimto.com
Z zbudapest.com
Mel's Replaced link: Life is Beautiful
Previous tagger: Dance of Motherhood
My replaced link: Small Reflections
I decided to fill in the 'blank' for the letter 'F' with Grandy's Functional Shmunctional blog.
I’m tagging anyone who wants to play along with one or all of these memes.
Whew! You are one meme-ing girl, Storyteller! You went to a lot of work on this one. :)
Thank you for tagging me as your friend. You are so sweet! I can't promise how soon I will be able to play along, though. I have a sick child, and I take my mom in for minor surgery tomorrow (lab tests today). Busy, busy for a bit. :)
Have a beautiful day!
Crikey you packed a lot in today! Congrats on the award and I love the friendship poem. :)
What cute memes!
Wow! You had a lot of memes this week! How fun! Happy MM!
WOW! That was quite a post! Thanks so much for tagging me :) Congrats on the lovely award. Hope you had a lovely weekend!
Wow...you've been VERY busy. I finally got my blog awards updated and added one you had given to your blogging friends!! Thanks again.
I love the Friendship poem you shared. That's really cool. [is that expression passé? probably is now-a-days, LOL]
And I love your Championship blog entry below too. Amazing game. I just can't get over the fact that you're making me interested in tennis again, after all these decades!
Happy Tuesday to you!!!!
Joyce – I guess you’re right about that … at least for today. LOL Actually, the only real ‘work’ involved on this was inserting the names for Phyl’s Friendship Circle Meme and that turned out to be fairly simple. Basically I copied, cut, and pasted from Phyl’s and Betty’s posts then added my own friends with links. The other two memes were strictly ‘copy, cut, and paste’ … though I did ‘edit’ the links to make them open in a new page ;--)
Akelamalu – Thanks. I found the poem with a Google search and added a ‘friends’ picture I’ve used before in previous posts because I wanted to add a ‘unique look’ to the whole thing.
Mama Zen – I thought so … and they were much easier to publish than some of the other memes floating around the Blogosphere these days because they didn’t require much thought.
Pam – Yup, I did. Actually there are several more I could have included … but I’ve opted to save them for another Monday down the road.
Sandy – It was a bit ‘experimental’ for me … and I debated dumping it at several points before finally just going with it to see what happened … just because ;--)
Hootin’ Anni – Today I guess I took a page from YOUR blog by following your example of including many things in a single post. You’re welcome for the award … I’m happy you like it and have added it to your ‘awards page’ … I’ll be over to see later. If ‘cool’ is passé … count me ‘guilty’ … because I use it often myself. Thanks for the feedback on my ‘tennis updates’ … and I’m glad to know I’ve ignited interest in the sport with my Haikus here.
I appreciate each of you visiting and sharing your thoughts today. I was away from the computer most of yesterday doing ‘real-world stuph’ … so if I didn’t visit your blog, I’ll do my best to get there today to catch up. If any of you decide to share one or more of these memes, be sure to let me know so I can come see and comment ... and keep the links here 'currently updated' as promised. Have a terrific Tuesday!
Hugs and blessings,
Hi Storyteller! Truly a wonderful post. I love your friendship poem. I have been tagged a couple times for circle of friends and tried to post it today. The code messes up my sidebar. Wordpress is funny that way. I will try again using different code,maybe tomorrow when it's rainy (LOL). I love C.S. Lewis, and the quote about giving value to survival. AWESOME! I would like to play along with the other memes as well....tomorrow! HUGS!
Greatfullivin – Thanks so much for your kind words here. I’m happy you’re thinking about sharing the memes when time permits.
A suggestion: Since the ‘code’ messes up your sidebar with Wordpress … perhaps you might try to simply ‘copy, cut, and paste’ from my post … and that might by-pass whatever ‘code’ issues are causing you difficulty. You could ‘right-click’ on the image and save it to your computer if ‘copying’ doesn’t work. It’s just a thought ;--)
I’m so glad you’re finally getting some warmer Spring-like weather to enjoy.
Hugs and blessings,
I duck as many memes as I can. But nice job, today, anyway. That ought to keep those Mommy Bloggers busy for a while.
LceeL – I’m chuckling as I type because I’ve ‘ducked’ memes myself often … especially when they require too much thought on topics in which I have minimal (if any) interest. Until today … I’ve avoided memes like these with lots of links … but I liked the ‘friendship topic’ and figured grouping them together could work for me. I figured I’d have easily accessible ‘links to check out’ if I found time to spare this week and I’d see what (if anything) posting something like this did for my blog rating. Thanks for stopping by today and I’ll be over to check out what you’ve been up to later one today.
Hugs and blessings,
Thanks for the response and the help. Wordpress will not allow me to cut and paste a graphic. I did however get that meme up today...WHEW....
You know, I disagree with C.S. Lewis--I think that friendships ARE necessary to survival. There have been several times in my life where I might NOT have survived, if it hadn't been for my friends--and pretty recently too! (I'm thinking of my bad, BAD postpartum depression, when my best friend [a gay man who doesn't particularly care for children] completely understood what was going on, said the words I needed to hear, and pulled me back from the brink.)
Of course, I would also argue that art and philosophy and are necessary, too...
Good thing you didn't substitute the "F" with something else. ;)
I'll have to go back and re-read what I'm supposed to do here. You had a lot of memes didn't you?
Greatfullivin – I’m happy to help however I can. Actually Blogger doesn’t let me copy and paste a graphic (unless I’m in the ‘editor’ where it will let me upload from a file then CUT and paste within a post) … but I have to right click on the graphic and SAVE it to my computer … then upload it as I would any graphic … so give that a try and see if Wordpress will let you do that. I’ll be by when I finish here to see what you’ve done. Thanks for playing along ;--)
Karen – I’m not surprised … in fact, as I typed the quote I found myself disagreeing with the thought … but I went with the quote because I like ‘stirring the pot’ … generating a bit of controversy. I’m glad you shared your disagreement (along with your rationale) … and am so happy that you had a friend like this when you needed one.
Grandy – Heheheh! I was hoping you wouldn’t mind … and have been meaning to stop by to let you know what I’d done … am relieved that you’ve found it on your own are are okay with my decision. Your blog was the first to come to mind when I noticed the ‘F’ slot blank … and nature abhors a vacuum … right? Actually … for this last meme … all you need do is copy and post it ‘as is’ because I’ve already added your blog. Of course, you can ‘tag’ people if you wish to keep it going. Directions are included for the rest, but if you have questions, feel free to ask and I’ll do my best to answer.
Thanks to all of you for visiting and leaving a comment. I hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Hugs and blessings,
Thanks for playing along with 'round the world thing. You're doing well with the memes. I am struggling to catch up with all these things. But it's fun doing them.
Congrats on your awards.
Have a lovely day!
Mama Meji – It was my pleasure to do so in ‘one fell swoop’ because keeping up with memes can be daunting indeed! Actually, I have a folder on my computer with a bunch of memes I’ve been tagged for but not yet done. Quite possibly I’ll never get around to them all … but ‘Meme Monday’ does make me ‘remember to consider memes’ as posts ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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