Scroll down for Camera Critters & Pet Pride
but first, belatedly ...
the week got away
from me celebrating my
birthday with my sis
but I've decided
to participate in these
three memes anyway

Click for others participating in
Finding Beauty, Friday's Fave Five,
Just for the Joy of It and Today's Flowers
in the sun on the parkway ...
too tired to play
"If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom." Audra Foveo
Marvelous captures as always! Wonderful colors and shadows! Hope your weekend is going well!
Hard to tell where Sassy ends and the shadows begin!! Nice shadow shots. Love your flower pics too. S.CA seems to be one of the best areas for vegitation to thrive.
So many lovelies to look at!
The iris plants are beautiful as well as your other blooms. The cactus is very lush and healthy looking.
Wish I could be like Blackie and cast some shadows in the sunlight. :)
Beautiful post!
The shrubs, flowers and plants are a sign of the warm weather you enjoy in the Golden State. All landscaped beautifully! Sassy, like all canines, knows how and when to relax. She is a proud and fine looking doggie who knows the difference between work and not working. Sweet doggie!
Great Fave Five! I love all the new growth. I live in SoCal too and my roses are getting leaves already too.
I love the beautiful pink bud on the cactus, and the iris look very blue to me, not purple. Is it a trick of the camera, or do they really look that color? All in all, just a lovely assortment of flowers to brighten up my day. we are still under snow, with more to come Wednesday.
Signs of hope to come....I had no idea the hen & chicks have a bloom....around here I've never seen them bloom like to peek into your world while we're still cold and buried in snow storm after snow storm.
How gorgeous that purple iris is! All lovely photos. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
What lovely springtime photos! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit, too. :)
Hey - you've got GRASS and flowers! Beautiful!
The shadows round Sassy almost look toys around her waiting for a game! And love your flower shots too!
Wonderful colours in the photos - love the purples.
Great Pet Pride photos - we're wondering if we're EVER going to see the sun again as it's just been rain, rain, rain with us so it's lovely to see another doggie sitting in a sunny patch, makes us feel all nostalgic!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Sassy knows when it time to relax. I love your purple flowers, very pretty photos and mosaic.
Boy, Scratchy would love to be rolling in all that green too!!!
How pretty! You have a lot of beauty to look forward to come spring! We still have the snow :)
what lustrous color and I especially liked the sunning doggy sanyd
I just love looking at all of nature's beauty here in your yard.
We still have snow on the ground, but some of it melted yesterday, which is a good thing!
Cute pix of Sassy surrounded by shadows. ;-)
Love the cactus!
Great variety in your photos as always. It's amazing how plants can withstand what the weather throws at them. Children and animals are the best additions to a garden, though and Sassy looks quite regal amongst all those lovely shadows.
lovely photos, specially the little blue irises...
Sigh...lovely, LOVELY photos...mud and dirty snow here, but spring's got to arrive eventually! And now I'm laughing at myself--not only do I find myself coveting your flowers and plants--I'm also coveting your gorgeous soil! Oh how I want that soil!! We have red clay for soil here--and what a challenge that is!
It's such a pleasure to see all this plant life! Lovely photos!
Wonderful shots of all the flowers and growth. I particularly like the blue and yellow dutch iris in the first montage.
Nice shots of Sassy on the green grass. You have so many flowers blooming already. The irises are my favorite.
Wonderful photos - I particularly love the succulents :)
Happy belated birthday - love those shots - especially the irises and crocuses!
Flowers already. We are far from flowers yet. But it was a nice 3 or 4 days.
Beautiful blooms! How delightful.
Great captures.
I am seriously jealous of all the flowers blooming. Cute shots of Sassy too. I think everyone should have a pet named Sassy (or Sassie.)
: )
Your garden photos give me hope that yes, Spring will be here soon!
Nice shadows too.
You lucky girl ! We still are in winter ! this time it's unusually long !
Lucky you! I so wish Spring would arrive here. :)
You have created a wonderful garden with a lovely variety of plants and bushes. Your dog is gorgeous, he must be great company while you tend your garden
Okay, I'll admit it.... I'm JEALOUS! We won't have spring for two more months... and our frost date is in JUNE. But these are beautiful... ENJOY it!
(and glad to have you link up!)
wow..I hope you take your blog and make it into a book to keep. I used BLURB for one year of my blog and I enjoyed having it...Try it out.. Michelle
You have so many beautiful signs of spring near you! Such a breath of fresh air! Love the hens and chicks and the iris!
Such pretty flowers you've shared with us today and Sassy adds to the joy of them. What a beautiful dog! She reminds me of the black lab we used to have, still a treasure in my heart after all these years.
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