Welcome to Small Reflections

"Nothing is ever achieved without enthusiasm."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Duck photo source: Lisa's Chaos
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I've not had much time for posting or blog visits, but if you're interested I hope you'll find time to check out my new blog, Giraffe Journal or my Labyrinth Journal website ... both self hosted at WordPress.

Thanks for your visit and have a delightful day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Molly & Ms Kitty enjoy sunshine after rain ...

Make Time for Small Reflections

computer issues
once again have limited
my blogging visits

but hopefully I'll
be able to catch up with
most of you today

Scroll down for Today's Flowers,
Mellow Yellow & Mosaic Monday too

after Friday's rain
both fur-kids enjoy the sun
before rain tonight

SOOC above ... Poster Edges below

Click to embiggen for better viewing and for others participating
Camera Critters, Shadow Shots, Pet Pride and Blue Monday

Nasturtiums in bloom
already (a little bit)
and Johnny Jump Ups

Click to embiggen for better viewing
and for others participating in
Today's Flowers, Mellow Yellow, and Mosaic Monday
Small Reflections ... Smile Back

Thought for Today
"While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us." Benjamin Franklin


Carolyn Ford said...

I love our nighttime rains lately! And, I look forward to hearing more tonight! Your furry children are happy and content with their cozy warm life! These are sweet photographs of just that!

wanderlust said...

Bright sunny day! Looks like fun for everyone!

wanderlust said...

Bright sunny day! Looks like fun for everyone!

Sylvia K said...

Molly and Ms Kitty look as though they're enjoying the sunshine! It is wonderful, isn't it? Mojo and Sam and ME have definitely been enjoying ours! Have a great week!

Sylvia, Sam and Mojjo

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a cute little owl you have at the top! I've done a few posts on owls and we have some owl themed things. Love the pet photos, but of course I'm a pushover for any posts featuring those blue chairs!

Judy said...

I can't believe that nasturtiums are blooming already! We still have a lot of snow!
It is so funny that you have a black cat named Ms. Kitty! We got one last month named Kittycat, and I am trying to change her name to Miss Kitty, thinking of Gunsmoke.

Ralph said...

Molly is such a beautiful dog, in looks for sure but in personality as well! Ms. Kitty is nice looking, perhaps without the sunny disposition. Or maybe I'm wrong. Enjoying the sunny day is their profession, at least for today...

Rambling Woods said...

Thank you for your kind comments. I am sorry to hear of your computer problems. I hate that. I hope things are getting cleared up. I must say that the blue in the photos is beautiful...hugs.. Michelle

Patti said...

I love seeing these flowers..Johnny Jump Ups remind me of my childhood!

I like the shadows you caught with the fence. Molly and Ms. Kitty look like they were enjoying the day!

Happy Birthday Tuesday ~

Kim, USA said...

I see oranges hanging, love it!!


Carol said...

Very pretty flowers but I really love th epictures of the pup with the chairs. Love the look of those shots!

Mary said...

I love your blue chairs -- my fave color! And your nasturtiums are beautiful! Hope your computer problems are solved soon! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

Jeanne said...

Well you know your furbabies are my favorite pictures. Love the bright bold colors with the chairs.

Martha Z said...

Such a nice glimpse of spring and the doggies enjoying the sun. After a week of sunshine the clouds are back in the Sacramento Valley. No rain so far, though.

Kathy said...

I LOVE nasturtiums. One of my favorites, but I forgot to plant them on time this year. Have you had a few leaves and blossoms in a salad? Very peppery!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Honestly I am not a person who craves things, really I'm not. So why is it that your blogposts so often feature some object that I want, I really want! That blue chair is so perfect. I just love it. And nastursiums used to be one of my favorite garden flowers (back when we had a house and garden, before we sold it to become full-time RVers)/

Carletta said...

Flowers blooming and sun shining - looks perfect in your world!
Sallie's right - the blue chair intices each time I come by here. :)

Hey Harriet said...

These are magical! My fave is the photo of the doggie standing on the footpath looking down the street. It's as though he is waiting for somebody to arrive home. It's very sweet! I love them all though. Have a super week!

LadyFi said...

Love the sunny shots - and that bright blue chair!

Ingrid said...

I am jalous ! you have sunshine !
Nice collage !
The owl has the same eyes as my cat Rosie, lol !

diane b said...

Lovely mosaics. You made me laugh with the term "fur kids" Great colours.

jabblog said...

It looks so warm here in your photos - wonderful. No wonder Ms Kitty and Molly are enjoying themselves. Your flowers are lovely too - I do like nasturtiums and you've got masses of violas too but I've never heard of Johhny Jumps Up - what a fabulous name!

penny said...

I like the bright colors in your collage, it looks delightful. Its nice to see Molly and Ms Kitty, they look so cute.

Akelamalu said...

Oh great photos m'dear and it's nice to see some sunshine in them too. :)

Diane AZ said...

We got a lot of rain during the night and I'm looking forward to a nice walk. I don't think I'll see many blooms here yet. Your nasturtiums and Johnny Jump ups are adorable!

Snap said...

Molly and Ms. Kitty look so happy in the sun! And the nasturtiums and jump-ups! Wow!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

HRG: Beautiful colors in your critter photos and I love the yellow flower. We will get that again in the spring.

Meri said...

A cat, a dog, and a blue Adirondack chair in one of my favorite shades. I'm in heaven.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Makes me dream of Spring . Great Pics !

DeniseinVA said...

Molly and Ms Kitty are super-photogenic. Your blue chair is a lovely color. Wish I had one like it to brighten my deck out back and your mosaics are always fun.

I am one of the team members at Today's Flowers, and I wondered if you would consider being a guest friend and share some of your favorite photos with us on the Today’s Flowers home page? Your name would be added to the list for one of the Sunday's posts and we would let you know which date yours would be shown. If you are interested you can reach me at:


Thanks so much and have a great week.

Marice said...

i heart that blue chair :) for some reason the color is shining :) as well as with those cute yellow flowers!

u may view mine here

jaydubblah said...

Hi, I'm a new girl but loving looking at everyone's photos Here's mine

Beth said...

Happy birthday!

Love your blues and yellows and I especially love your Labrador Retriever!!!

Karen said...

Oh, I love these photos! Want--want to sit down in that blue chair by the lemon tree! (I've mentioned that before, haven't I? Maybe a hundred times?)

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