I'm feeling a bit better today after resting most of yesterday afternoon & sleeping for more than 10 hours last night (an
almost unheard of combination for me).
I usually 'mix' my coffee beans half regular & half decaf, but today I made the REAL STUPH and am hoping for the best because I've got my PSE6 class this morning and don't want
to miss it if at all possible.
Methinks my headache is weather-related ... and once the humidity rises a bit it should fade away on its own. It's been VERY dry here in Southern California. Another wildfire broke
out in the Azusa-Duarte area this morning and hopefully will
be 'contained' quickly since the winds aren't blowing currently.
I get weather related headaches quite often, especially this time of year. Usually have to turn on the humidifier for a while and it does help. :)
Every time they say we are going to get a Santa Ana or a Red Flag warning, I get a headache the day before. My boss says I am better than the weather guys at predicting it.
Hope you make it to your class!
Glad you are feeling better today. I too believe that weather changes make for differences in ourselves. I'm just plain tired all the time. That is so unlike me. Have a great day. Big hug. :)
It's good to hear you are feeling better today! Being under the weather is no fun at all, especially if you have to miss an awesome class that like!
Glad you are feeling better. I'm a bit under the weather today. I called my doctor and hope he'll call something in for me.
I understand weather related headaches! Yuck!
Hope you feel better!
I was missing you....I'm sorry to hear you've been 'under the weather'....golly, did I say that just now? Now that you think it's weather related? LOL
Do continue to improve. Hope today is better for you than yesterday.
So glad to hear you're feeling better. <3
My husband's migraine headaches are often triggered by a change in atmospheric pressure, we've noticed.
I LOVED the quote! Fear is like a ghost!
I'm all for the full strength stuff--actually, I fiddled with my caffeine, too. I usually have only one cup of good stuff a day...but the other day (in the middle of the ooky) I splurged and had TWO cups. (Oh my!!) It was a little too much...hands shaking...queasy stomach, etc...
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