"I would like you to take your camera (or your artistic talents!) on a day tour with you. I want to know where you go, what you get up to on a “normal” day (disclaimer - it doesn’t have to be “normal”!). All the details you would consider boring! You are free to make your FM posts as long or as short as you’d like!"Last week got away from me and I didn't check the challenge until last night as I was turning off the computer ... so I figured I'd miss out once again (having not planned ahead), but (serendipitously) this morning's reading gave me an idea so I'm running with it and participating today after all.
Even though I'm retired, I awaken (w/o an alarm) and arise early ... usually before 4am. My day typically begins (after feeding the animals and making coffee) with writing in my journal while listening to inspiring music ... coupled with some stretching ... meditation & prayer ... and a bit of 'reading' from whatever 'calls' to me. It has (for the most part) been like this for decades, even while I was a member of the work force. I believe taking time for such things is essential for maintaining my health and helps me 'focus' on 'what matters' ... releasing what doesn't.
I suspect it's part of what made me 'effective' as a teacher for 34 years, keeping me centered & sane ... especially in the face of some crazily chaotic times.
What follows is an excerpt from TRANSITIONS: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life by Julia Cameron and begins with a quote:
the planets in all the galaxies
pass through his hands like beads.
There is a string of beads one should
look at with luminous eyes."
"We are like jewelers. At the start of any day, we have before us the beautiful beads of differing choices. Choice by choice, moment by moment, I build the necklace of my day, stringing together the choices that form artful living. Will I be quiet today or outgoing, solitary or involved with friends, reflective or expressive? Will I write letters, make phone calls, pay bills, sweep floors or go for a good long walk? Moving through my day with conscious grace, I connect to the web of life. I, too, am a bead in a larger pattern.
Today I choose to live by conscious design, nurturing myself and others in body, mind, and spirit. I ask for a receive guidance in my choices. I cherish the pattern of my life."
I am exceedingly grateful for the life I lead currently ... and (for that matter) for all the experiences of my life leading up to this moment. I you'd like to know more, click for my list of 101 Things About Me ... created when I reached my 101st post in January of 2008.
Recently (while looking for an 'e-card- to send a friend) I came upon this at Tut's ...

(added after the fact at 10:45am)
highlights a few aspects of my life visually...

1st Blogoversary on October 22nd
in just 2 days ...
I'm not sure just how I'll 'mark this milestone' ... but I'm hoping for 'inspiration' to strike soon and I hope you'll visit celebrate with me. In case you missed them over the weekend ...
Camera Critters & Smiley Saturday
Haiku Friday, SkyWatch/HF, or Photo Hunt
Sunrise-Sunset#5, Blog Your Blessings/Sacred Life Sunday
and ... remember to leave me a comment or two ... just because.
"My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand." Thich Nhat Hanh
This is exciting Storyteller to get the first glimpse in Julia Cameron's new book--I must get it. Cameron has been my muse for artistic/creative living for many years. I love her because she's not perfect and has had to deal with her own life demons and survive. Like you, I'm retired and have the luxury of deciding how my days will be lived, not frittered away. I try to follow the "Five Things" rule--as in surely I can accomplih five small things every day.
I'm being lazy about Fun Monday this week because my most recent post, "On to Amsterdam", is an account of a "normal" travel day on my recent European tour. Check it out if you'd enjoy travelogues!
You are amazing Virginia....arising before 4 am every day...WOW. I used to get up by 5:30 every day when I worked, but now I don't know how I did it. Your daily routine is inspiring...but not surprising for someone like you who seems so organized, energetic and industrious. Have a beautiful week sweetie...
Beautiful post and pics. Your days look beautiful as well!
I wonder a lot about what will my life be like once my kids get grown and gone. Looking into people's lives like yours gives me hope that it wont be that bad.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi there! Thanks for sharing your day! Your animals are beautiful. Yep, I do the 4am wakeup myself, as you saw, but it's more out of necessity...however, even when I'm at a point in life where that isn't necessary, I'll probably always be an early bird. There is something magical about being out and about in the early morning while the rest of the world is sleeping!
What an inspirational post today, my dear Storyteller. I just helped out a friend in need and it feels so good to give. I think I enjoy giving more than receiving. I will blog about it in a week or so...
Have a wonderful Monday :o)
4:00 am is so early! I consider myself a morning person, but I'm not as dedicated as you! Great post! BJ
I hope that if I ever get to retire, I can live my days much like yours. My grandmother in Wales does much the same and it seems absolutely lovely - especially compared to the chaos that is my present life.
Thanks for sharing!
I like that your days are relaxing much of the same as mine. :) Allowing us to do what we want. :) But I'm not a morning person at all, I'm a night owl. :)
This was such an encouraging post, Storyteller, with the encouragement (one you've given before!) to live mindfully and meaningfully.
Your collage is lovely, as is Tut's creation.
Yours is one of the last blogs I'm checking before getting some sleep. Goodnight! Hope to see you in Bloggyland tomorrow. :)
Thanks very much for sharing your day with us for this Fun Monday. It's been a real pleasure to see what everyone else gets up to!
The photos and inspiration you've shared today have been lovely :)
Sarah x
You are the second person I've seen today who gets up at that early hour! I'm a little more leisurely now I've got used to being retired.
I love the collage.
I'm glad I checked back at Saras and found your link under latecomers! Great post, great blog! Nice to get to know you.
I love how you begin your day...you know? I think I'm going to begin once again taking my music with me in the morning when I do my walking in the morning...I used to then, for some reason, I stopped. And now that you say you listen to music to inspire you for the day....that's just what I'll do.
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