"If words are powerful ... then this matters."
Clicking on the logo above (or at the top of my sidebar) will take you to information about how to get YOUR Peace Globe to decorate & share between now and November 6th in the 5th Launch of Dona Nobis Pacem. We're counting down ...
My new Peace Globes for November's Blog Blast post (#4, 5, & 6) are in my sidebar along with my first two (previously published in June) and I've sent them to Mimi to publish as well. If you need help adding 'text' to the graphics available from Mimi's blog, I'm willing to assist as time permits. I invite everyone to participate and to visit others too.
to see Globes others have created.

How about you?
What comes to YOUR mind?
I say ... and you think ... ?
- Hearing :: Listening
- Aggression :: wastes time & energy and gets one nowhere at all
- Charged :: batteries
- Traveler :: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffennegger (an intriguing read and amazing 1st novel)
- Hydrate :: it's why I carry water with me wherever I go
- Detox :: cleanse the body of 'toxins'
- Qualify :: moderate or modify
- Prison :: Break, TV series
- Frontal :: lobe
- Pep talk :: motivational words
- Hearing ::
- Aggression ::
- Charged ::
- Traveler ::
- Hydrate ::
- Detox ::
- Qualify ::
- Prison ::
- Frontal ::
- Pep talk ::
Small Reflections ... Smile Back
"On this shrunken globe, men can no longer live as strangers." ~Adlai E. Stevenson
Does Blog Blast for Peace mean that on November 6th, all participants will blog about what peace means to them, or how they think the world can become a more peaceful place?
I don't know why I didn't notice this before . . .
Hope you have a lovely day. It's a beautiful, crisp autumn morning here.
Love your globes, storyteller! :)
You peace globes are beautiful m'dear. Mine is scheduled to post already. I'm putting a reminder up tomorrow too.
I did my you say I think on my site.I just might have to go with a generic bglobe since I do not know how to make a specfic one.
Ah, a near match!
You can find my mutterings ::here::.
Have a great week!
Our Peace Globe is ready to send to Mimi! It is our fifth one, too!
~ Miss Emily
We match on 3.
Have a good week!
Aha!!! Frontal lobe. I did that one also.
Hope your weekend was super and that your new week will treat you kindly!
I plan to do a globe again this fall. Just have to figure it out how as the Photoshop is not compatible with my laptop. My operating system is 64 and the PS works only on 32 *sigh* I was too excited.
I got both of my globes all ready. :o)
You know I love these!
1. Hearing :: ears
2. Aggression :: fighting
3. Charged :: batteries
4. Traveler :: vacation
5. Hydrate :: water
6. Detox :: clean
7. Qualify :: pass
8. Prison :: jail
9. Frontal :: lobe
10. Pep talk :: speech
Now I get to go look at your answers. I try so hard to not look them until I've answered too. :)
Joyce – Yup … that’s sort of the idea. If you want to see what I did in June you can click on the ‘My Peace Globe’ links in my sidebar (in ‘About Me’ - parts two and four) or on the 1st and 2nd Peace Globes themselves. You can also see what OTHERS did by clicking the Peace Globe Gallery button. I found the experience amazing in June and am looking forward to the next one because I believe that focusing so much energy on PEACE all at once has to make a difference.
Mary, the teach – Thanks … I enjoyed creating each of them and look forward to seeing all the others.
Akelamalu – Danka! I saw your reminder when visiting yesterday … well done ;--)
Mike Golch – Thanks for playing along. I enjoyed your answers and left a comment on your blog. If you know what you’d like your ‘globe’ to say … I’d be happy to help you create it. Let me know.
Laane – Yez … I enjoyed YOUR mutterings too. Thanks for leaving the link.
Miss Emily (at Cats~Goats~Quotes) – Great! I’ve sent mine to Mimi and am looking forward to seeing all the rest as she gets time to post them.
Monique at Escape Hatch – Very ‘kewl’ … it’s always fun to see your mutterings too!
Hootin’ Anni – Ya know what they say about ‘great mindz’ ;--)
Ivanhoe – I’m so sorry you’re having ‘compatibility issues’ … it’s why I didn’t get a 64-bit machine. I made MY peace globes in June using Paint … so maybe that will work with your new computer. Let me know if I can help in any way.
Tammy – Wonderful! Actually, methinks I saw one of yours at Mimi’s already. Loved the way you included the family ;--)
Lisa – Thanks for ‘muttering’ along here in comments. I envy the way you can limit yourself to a single word response and wish I could be ‘succinct’ too.
To all – I appreciate you dropping by Small Reflections and sharing your thoughts. In case you missed my Morning Musings on Monday, I left an animated award for all my ‘bloggy friends’ and hope you’ll drop by to ‘snag’ and share it when time permits. Have a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
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