HF#77 is below this post and
Photo Hunt #23 at Sacred Ruminations
You can read more details in the statement issued by Robert Forrester of Newman's Own Foundation earlier this morning.
to 'biggify' for better viewing
2. Many blogging friends shared 'light-hearted' & humorous posts this past week. In case you missed them (and if you're in need of a chuckle or two) ... here are links:
Frivolous Friday at the Cafe at the End of the Universe3. I've continued to create and share a variety of graphics, logos, & awards generated with Photoshop Elements ... learning as I go. It's been great fun. Currently I'm experimenting with 'animated' gifs ... just because.
Intended Puns shared by Bobbie at Almost There
Another Blonde Joke shared by Jan at the Prytz Family
13 Quotes about Computers by Gattina at Writer Cramps
Witty Wednesday at Ms Cellania
4. Sassy Mama Bear also shared 13 Ways to say I Love You & this Blogthing, and I've decided to include it here ... just because.
You Are an "A-OK" |
![]() Your life philosophy can be summed up as, "Whatever will be, will be." Your greatest wish is to live each day a little better than the next. You are naturally calm and stable. Some people would call you a rock. You feel one with the world. You are a spiritual person, though no one who knows you would guess it. These each seem to 'fit' for me somehow. |
Your turn (should you so choose) to share either in comments below or on your own blog). Just let me know so that I can read your results too, okay?
"Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch it to be sure." ~Murphy's Law
a ot of fun on your critters !1 sandy
Se sure does get around.
My kitty and your pup look so cute and fun!
You do have many reasons to smile this week. Thanks for sharing!
Your hand gesture seem to fit you of what I know about you. I will post my hand gesture tomorrow because I already have a post up for today, I like doing those blogs things. I truly like your thought for today!
Beautiful photos! :D Mine is posted HERE too. Happy CC!~
Ms.Kitty looks as if she did just fine. Pretty cat.
I love the logo/icons and the philosophy.
Best wishes
A Kitty will always find a new place to hang out - ours always do!
Yes, the death of Paul Newman is a sad to wake up to today - I think he was a wonderful man - definitely not your typical celebrity. He will be missed.
It is always nice visiting here. I know I will always find some wonderful pictures.
hehehe, I love Ms. Kitty! She seems to be one who doesn't get 'pushed around' too much ;-)
Love your photos Storyteller :) My entry is here
Stop by if you have a moment. :)
beautiful collage photo of yours. thanks drop at my cc post
great collage!
Oh no I didn't hear about Paul Newman here on the news. There have been a few photos of him in the newspapers recently and he looked very frail. A sad loss to the acting profession.
Good Morning, Storyteller,
I am an "A OK", too.
I will miss Paul Newman, too, an actor who I could admire as a fellow human being.
Love the cute photos of Ms. Kitty hiding in the foliage. Wonderful collage!
Ok the blog things are a bit scary because I keep coming up with the same response you get. Although on the role that you play one, I originally got innovator but I changed the answer on the last question just to see since I was debating on two of them and when I changed it I was told I was a philosopher. I love taking these little quizzes. So much fun to play around with them.
I was saddened to hear about Paul Newman this morning.
And, I am a fist!
I'm glad Ms Kitty found a new place. She looks very comfy.
I am an "A-Ok" hand gesture.
It is sad about Paul Newman.
Your thought of the day made me laugh! Thanks! :o)
You Are a Heart
Your life philosophy can be summed up as, "Love like you've never been hurt."
Your greatest wish is to have harmony in all of your relationships.
You can't help loving people, even when they're incredibly flawed.
You are a true romantic, and you are willing to give almost anyone a second chance.
It was fun seeing kitty again. Are you sure you don't need the black kitty from my neighborhood to come play at your house?
What a comprehensive post. We have all been saddened by the news of Newman's death today.
Thank you so very much for highlighting BlogBlast For Peace in your sidebar. Inspirational!
I received your globes and they are just lovely. I will let you know when they've been added to the gallery. Can't wait to read what you write on November 6!
Wow,it sounds like a great time catching up with a long time friend. Maybe it is time for me to set that up in my life. I just posted my gesture on my blog.
Good to know ! I only have ONE little space in my house the others are all taken over by my cats, lol
Thanks for the link to my TT ! Each time when I don't know what to publish and take whatever I just find, people like it ! that's frustrating, lol ! I'll try to participate in the next Smily Saturday !
Hi storyteller! Your dinner with friend[s] sounds so delightful!!!
Happy day to you.
Ms Kitty looks to me like she owns the place! Love all the graphics. You are becoming a pro! I also posted my "hand gesture". Have a lovely Sunday. BJ
Ms Kitty looks like she has plenty of reasons to amile.
Thanks for reminding me that it's an important act to reflect on the good things in ones life. Thanks for sharing. Your post are always so inspiring to me.
Thanks everybody!
I appreciate each of you dropping by and sharing your reactions to my ‘multi-tasking’ on Saturdays. I also enjoy visiting your blogs to see what’s happening there. I had a marvelous time reconnecting with my friend … loved creating the Camera Critter’s ‘collage’ of Ms. Kitty’s alternative spaces to hang out … and participating in Smiley Saturday too. I hope you enjoyed the humorous links and had a wonderful weekend! Here’s wishing you a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
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