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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Duck photo source: Lisa's Chaos
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Thursday, September 25, 2008

T-13#41-- PSE6 Photo Collage - Ladybugs

Make Time for Small Reflections
Whimsical Wednesday is in the next post.
13 Photos of Ladybugs from Flickzzz
Collaged by storyteller using Photoshop Elements 6
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Small Reflections ... Smile Back
Thought for Today
"Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on." Bob Newhart


Megan said...

Very cool!

Happy T13!

SandyCarlson said...

Oh, so beautiful, storyteller!

Lori said...

Great shots...I love the way you have them arranged too. Very Cool...Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)

Roan said...

Ladybugs are some of my favorite creatures. These are especially beautiful. BJ

Unknown said...

Very nice collection of ladybug pics. Thanks for sharing. Happy T13!

Anonymous said...

Great collections! I ♥ ladybugs. Did you ever see A Bug's Life? My favorite character was the "man bug". :) *LOL*

Thanks for stopping by my place!

Unknown said...

That is a beautiful! Would love it hanging on my wall! Perfect collection!

Sarah Brooks said...

Awww, I like it! Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Ladybugs are wonderful. Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Do you know that around here we have had lady bug invasions. The cover houses and windows and people have to suck them up with vacuum cleaners. I'm not kidding!

Joyce said...

The beveled edges are a very nice touch, indeed! This is such a cheerful collage. :)

anthonynorth said...

Ah, just about the only insect we like.
Great pics.

SwampAngel65 said...

I love the layout! (The pics are cute, too) I have GOT to start experimenting with PhotoShop. Very nice looking!

kitten said...

How beautiful!

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful. Happy T13. Mine are up at a Daily Dose.
A Daily Dose of Toni

Tink *~*~* said...

Lady bugs are so cute. Haven't seen one in a long time, at least since I left New York. Maybe Florida doesn't have ladybugs? I dunno!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Mia Celeste said...

I love ladybugs. Do you know The "Very Grouchy Ladybug" by Eric Carle? It's fun to read with kids.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful ! love it ! Now that everybody has automn stuff on its blog, I appreciate spring/summer things ! I hate automn and winter, lol !

Darla said...

Those are beautiful pictures! I love ladybugs.

Patsy said...

Ahhhhhh, they look so sweet in your pictures. Did you know ladybugs will bite though? Many years ago when I had to hang #1 daughter's diapers on the line to dry (I said many years ago) the lady bugs would swarm on them then when I took them off the line I would inverably get pinched or bitten at least a couple of times. Have never been a huge ladybug fan since.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that they are all on flowers when they aren't a pollen collecting type of bug.

Ivanhoe said...

Oh these are sooo cute! I love what you've learned in your classes. One day I'll learn how to do my collages, too :o)

John's Arts & Crafts said...

Great Article & Photos! New news on Ladybugs and a new movie comming out Dec. 2009 called" Ladybugs" click on link to view trailers of movie:

Mom Knows Everything said...

Those are beautiful! You are very good at taking pictures!

The Gal Herself said...

Oh, I love these! Like butterflies, ladybugs are nature's charmers. Thanks for lifting my spirit a bit.

Akelamalu said...

Oh I love what you did with those!

Momisodes said...

So pretty :)

We're missing ladybugs around here these days. Now that Fall is in full effect and cooler temps have arrived.

A beautiful collage.

Tink said...

What a wonderful T13! I love ladybugs, the pics are great.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the lady bugs!!! [and....psssst, I sent you an email earlier today]

Thanks for the visit and cool comment!!!

Mary said...


I have always loved ladybugs since childhood. There is just something about them...

Great collage, my friend. It made me smile.


Tempest Knight said...

Awww... too cute!

Betty said...

I love, love, love the pretty little lady bugs. We haven't seen any of those around here lately.

Hope your week is going great for you.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love the collage itself and the individual pictures, too!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Very beautiful Story teller - amazing !

storyteller said...

Thanks everyone!
I’m delighted you dropped by and enjoyed my butterfly collage. I appreciate each of your comments. I’ve been trying to make a ‘single’ collage with 13 items --- one larger picture in the center surrounded by 12 smaller ones --- for quite some time, but this is the first time I succeeded. I’ve seen others do this thing and asked for (and received) suggestions including links to BigLabsDotCom, but haven’t been able to make the site work for me because I can’t make Flickr work … sigh! I finally figured out how to use the ‘grids’ in PSE6 to help me align ‘cropped’ photos (from Flickzzz) and am happy with the results myself. I hope you’ve had an enjoyable weekend. Here’s wishing you a marvelous Monday!
Hugs and blessings,

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