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and almost missed today too!
"I imagine that yes is the only living thing." e.e cummings
6th Blog Blast for Peace
November 5, 2009
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And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!
The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say
Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony
"I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I wanted to do." Georgia O'Keefe
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true." Richard Bach
"Telling stories causes others to remember what they have always known." Anonymous
"Character is the bridge between our beliefs and our behavior. Character is the glue of personality, the connective tissue that makes a person whole, integrated, a person of integrity." Joan Konner, journalist
"What you choose not to look at in life, rules your life." Lynn Andrews
"Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"When a woman changes her life for the better, her entire family (whether or not she has children) generally benefits. She sets the tone. The well-being of the family and of society itself depends upon women becoming and remaining healthy. So we owe it to ourselves to put ourselves first and take the time we need to heal." Dr. Christiane Northrup
Fascinating post! I had not heard of this type of insect before. I wonder if we have them up here?
My entry is here
Stop by if you have a moment. Have a great week ahead!
Oh dear, I remember these bugs from my childhood. They used to gather on the house in the fall. They used to creep me out; I haven't seen one for years .....
just getting a small dose of my friend -- gt a sprained wrist so cant stay long. always nice 2cu tho. *lovies*
A bug that matches the tree! How chic is that? LOL Happy Hot.
Ah yes, Box Elder bugs. I don't miss them much.
Hope you learn something new and fun in class today!
Ugh, I don't like bugs, box(ed) or otherwise!
I've never heard of that tree or bugs before. Great HOT post! :o)
I would love to sit under that tree with a good book and a glass of Lemonade. Not if those bugs were there, though. ;)
Cool! I love the tree.
We learn so much through blogging!! I didn't do HoT today and didn't post until late. Busy day!
Yikes! I hope I never meet that bug face to face.
Hope you had a great class :)
Love the Cummings quote.
I don't think the box elder bugs that live in Utah look like either of the ones you pictured. I'll see if I can get a picture of one to compare.
They are rather benign bugs. They don't bite, gather in large groups, or move fast enough to be sneaky. Those are all good traits in a bug, as far as I'm concerned.
I like your choices for todays Heads or Tails. Very original.
Hope your week is going good so far.
I'm going to go do a little bloghopping today in case we are given evacuation notice over the weekend.
I have a Thursday blog scheduled to post tonight at 5PM, and I have a special gift for you then.
To everyone – I’m delighted you all visited yesterday and shared your thoughts about my ‘last minute’ Box Elder (tree & bugs) HoTs post while I was gone. After class I met a friend … then ran errands … so I got home much later than usual, and (as a result) … I didn’t have time to visit anyone. I do intend to ‘blog hop’ in a little while (after responding to comments and creating a post here.
Sue – I’m happy to have shared something you weren’t aware of.
Quiet Paths – How interesting … thanks for sharing your experience.
Chuckie – Sorry to hear about your wrist, but happy you dropped by to say ‘howdy’ ;--)
Karen (at My Opinion Counts) – I thought it was a fun combination too. I’m glad you found it ‘chic’ LOL
Vixen – Actually … we’re learning about ‘adjustment layers’ and ‘filters’ in PSE class and it’s amazing what dramatic effects can be achieved. I shared a few at Sacred Ruminations this morning if you’d like to see them.
Akelamalu – Heheh … I’m with you! Luv the pun ;--)
Tammy – Thanks. I’m always pleased to share something new and/or enlightening.
Skittles – I’m with you on THAT ;--)
Mama Zen – I thought it was an ‘attractive’ tree too.
Linda – Isn’t that the truth! I do understand BUSY … seems like the story of my life lately.
Sandy C – I do love the PSE classes … though I’m a bit on ‘overload’ and need to find some time to practice so I don’t lose track of all we’re learning before new stuph is introduced. This advanced class is one I might decide to take again … and again. LOL
Jo (a retired teacher) – Thanks for providing a bit more info on these ‘bugs’ … I didn’t have time to do any research and still make it to my class on time, but I’m sure it’s available online.
Betty – What a lovely thing to say! I do TRY to think outside the box for HoTs whenever possible.
Hootin’ Anni – I thought of you yesterday when I heard the storm’s path had shifted. I’m praying for everyone in Ike’s path … hoping for the best. How lovely to anticipate what you might have for me … I can hardly wait ;--)
To all again – Thanks again for your comments and I hope you’re all having a wonderful Wednesday. I'll be visiting in a little while ... as soon as time permits.
Hugs and blessings,
Cool post, Storyteller!! :-)
Tina Coruth – Thanks … glad you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
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