After publishing my Monday Motivator at Sacred Ruminations earlier this morning, I decided to skip Fun Monday this week.
Alison of RDH Mom is today's host. Clicking on the links here will take you there in case you'd like to participate ... but somehow photographing and/or writing about the state of my closets seemed overwhelming to me ... probably because I'm spending enough time trying to declutter & simplify my surroundings and 'blogging' is a way to 'escape' for a while.
I found this recently at Lightening's A-Z of Me ... who was tagged a little while back by Sharon to do this meme ... saved it in my 'drafts' folder and decided to pull it out today ... just because.
Attached or single? Single (except for Molly & Ms. Kitty) ... and happyBest Friend? Several ... Carol, Jackie, Marlene to name a few
Cake or Pie? Neither ... but I do enjoy a delightful crème brûlée from time to time
Day of Choice? Now that I'm happily retired, methinks I love them all for different reasons, but for the last few years I taught ... I loved Friday's because that was the day we had uninterrupted sustained silent reading for 30 minutes in each class ;--)
Essential Item? Hmmm ... hard to choose just one ... my morning coffee ... my journal & mechanical pencil ... my laptop.
Flavor of ice cream? Mint chocolate chip
Gummy Bears or Worms? Neither ... I much prefer crunchy snacks to sweets
Hometown? I was born & raised in a small suburb of Los Angeles, but prefer to be 'a nonny mouse' ... so that's as close as I'll come on this one
Indulgences? soaking in a hot bath ...
January or July? January ... we get fewer visitors here at the beach in the winter
Kids? I didn't raise any of my own, but spent 5 years as a Playground Director & 34 years as an Educator
Last Movie I saw in a Theatre? Good question ... I'm not sure I can even remember, but it might have been the original Pirates of the Caribbean film with Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom. I just don't go to movies any more and only occasionally watch them at home.
Middle Name? Helen
Number of Siblings? I'm the youngest of 3 kids
Oranges or Apples? apples ... Gala or Fuji preferably
Phobia or Fear? I can't think of any phobias ... and I try to keep 'fear' to a minimum by examining & releasing whatever arises ... as often as needed ;--)
Quote? Ah ... there are so many, but the one I used with students most often is: "If you think you can or think you can't, you're right." ... attributed to Henry Ford
Reason to Smile? Oh so many ... living near the ocean, being retired, the company of Molly & Ms. Kitty, and comments on my posts (to name a few)
Season? Spring - I'm optimistic & hopeful for the most part.
Tag five more Ah ... I prefer to 'invite' rather than tag ... so if this appeals to you let me know so that I can read YOUR responses when you share.
Unknown fact about me? I'm stumped ... but if I think of something, I'll add it later
Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? I'm sticking with Lightening's response here: "Let me guess, this was composed by a Vegetarian?"
Xrays or Ultrasound? Ultrasound (when given the option)
Your favorite food? Lightening added this: "Do I have to pick only one? No? Good." Methinks I'll leave it and go from here as she did ... just because: I enjoy Italian, Mexican, and Japanese foods when eating out. Around home, the simpler the preparation ... the better.
Zodiac? Pisces for me.
Thanks to
Mary of
Mary's Writing Nook for this 'kewl' animated award! I need to learn to do this thing myself. In the meantime ...
I would like to present all of my friends with this animated friends button. Right click and "save as." Since blogger doesn't like animated graphics, upload it to Photobucket, copy and paste the HTML code that's provided there to place it on your blog.
Small Reflections ... Smile Back
Thought for Today
"I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written for myself, and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part." Shirley MacLaine