Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
Click for others participating in WW on Thursday.
See yesterday's Photo Experimentations at Sacred Ruminations too.
For easy access, I’ve listed more T-13 links along with the Thursday Thirteen Blogroll at My Blog Rolls.
"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious."
Albert Einstein
I do recognize them, and I love what you've done.
That is so cool! I love the giraffe licking :) This really is neat!
great filtering work, i like the ones that look sorta like drawings... happy TT!
Some clever pictures there.
Love this collage storyteller! Especially the middle one in the last row...it's 3D!! Way cool.
My 13 are listed, I do hope you can find time to stop over! happy thursday
This is beautiful! A very creative TT :) Thanks so much for stopping by :)
I love your collage, it's beautiful. :)
SandyCarlson – Thanks … I appreciate your encouragement.
Sandy (Momisodes) – I love the giraffe’ too. We’ve just scratched the surface of ‘filters’ but I’m looking forward to learning more. Right now it’s fun to just play.
Elaine – The ones that look like drawings are my favs too. I used that technique exclusively on Wednesday at my other blog Sacred Ruminations.
AnthonyNorth – Thanks. The photos are actually from Flickzzz … but the modifications are mine.
Hootin’ Anni – I’m only just beginning to learn the potential of ‘filters’ … but I did like each of these for different reasons and that’s why I included all of them in this ‘13’ collage.
Sue – I’m glad I noticed yours was posted when I shared my link at the T-13 Hub last night before turning off the computer. Using the ‘needs’ meme was a fun idea ;--)
Akelamalu - Thanks ... I think it's pretty 'kewl' myself and am excited with what I'm learning about using filters.
To all – I appreciate your visit and feedback. I’ve got my PSE6 class again this morning, so I won’t be around to ‘visit’ until later this afternoon … but I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve shared today. I hope you all have a delightful day!
Hugs and blessings,
They look like batiks or carvings. Cool.
I like this banner too! And it seems like you're really having fun with the filtering! It's inspiring me to go and experiment with some of my creative hobbies--I love making cards, and having recently bought some interesting new supplies, I should probably take myself downstairs to my "craft corner" and have some fun!
You're such an inspiration!
These are beautiful. I especially like the affectionate "kitties" in the middle. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for visiting my TT.
These are cool. I'm learning photoshop too but I'm not at your level yet. Great job.
Those are really neat! When you get a chance send me that link and I will try to figure it out for you.
Take care, Tammy
I love them all. I adore animals so this is right up my ally.
I wish I was decent with photo editing. I'm doing some online lessons with PSP and am learning but have a VERY long way to go.
Oh, I love this Storyteller! During the winter months I piddle with PSP, but haven't tried playing with the filters.
Love your works!!!
And love your thought for thday as well!
Oh, wow, that is really very cool! Great idea for a TT, too.
i see u r having fun playing with the photoshop filers and all! Nice animals collage.
I love the collage. You've done a great job with it. I'm so glad I dropped by.
Be sure to stop by my Writing Nook and enter your name in my Harvest Giveaway. It will be fun to see who the winner is.
Wow those are different! I think I recognize most of them. :)
Oh these are marvelous storyteller! I love what you've done! :)
What a great job you've done editing these photos, Storyteller!
Colleen – Now that you mention it … they do ;--)
Karen – Yez … I am having fun ‘playing with possibilities’ but doing so is time consuming and puts me even farther behind with other activities … like responding to comments and getting around to all the blogs I like to visit. What a sweet thing to say. (smile)
The Gal Herself – Thanks for the feedback and the nifty link back here from your blog. That’s such a wonderful thing to do for your T-13 visitors. Maybe once I don’t have ‘Thursday classes’ I could do that too.
Lady KLI – I appreciate your kind words. I’ve been taking Photoshop classes twice weekly for about 21 weeks now and that’s made all the difference in the world. It’s so much easier to learn to use the tools when someone is providing directed lessons and guided practice.
Tammy – Thanks for the visit … and the reminder. I’ll make a note of it and look for it when I finish responding to comments today.
Original Grits – These animal photos are actually from Cute Overload Press initially … but it was fun to ‘experiment’ with the filters and share in this way. I’ve owned Photoshop for YEARS without doing much with it until I started taking classes earlier this summer. It’s made all the difference for me.
Linda – Thanks. I’m hoping to learn more about how to ‘adjust’ the filtered settings in my advanced PSE6 class during the next 9 weeks.
Mariposa – I’m delighted you enjoyed both and I’m glad you’re feeling better too.
Maggie – I appreciate your feedback. Sometimes I feel like using words … other times pictures … and it’s fun to go with ‘variety’ whenever possible.
Sho – Yez … playing with the ‘filters’ is all I really know HOW to do just yet ;--)
Mary (of her Writing Nook) – I’m glad you dropped by too and enjoyed what you found today. I’ll pass on the ‘giveaway’ because I’m still trying to ‘simplify’ and ‘declutter’ my surroundings … but I’ll definitely do my best to drop by and see what you’ve been up to at your Writing Nook as time permits.
Lisa’s Chaos – I probably COULD have posted TWO collages … one with the originals to ‘check’ against this collage … but I didn’t think of it and really wouldn’t have had time anyway. Maybe I’ll do something like that another time?
Mary, the teach – Thanks for your visit and enthusiastic response.
Tina Coruth – I’m thrilled with all I’ve learned and it’s great fun to share … not to mention excellent practice too.
To all – I appreciate you dropping by and sharing your thoughts about my T-13. If I’ve not been to your blog, I’ll do my best to catch up over this long holiday weekend after I finish writing and publishing responses here on my blogs. I hope you’re all enjoying a delightful Saturday.
Hugs and blessings,
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