Weekend Reflections & Camera Critters are in the next post


Ms. Kitty has made
good use of her dry igloo
during our rainstorms
Abundant Meyer
Lemons on my citrus tree ...
oh so delicious ;-)

Click to embiggen for better viewing
and for others participating in
Pet Pride, Mellow Yellow Monday, and Mosaic Monday
As usual, I've also shared Monday Mosaics at
Happily Retired Gal and Sacred Ruminations
"As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat."
Ellen Perry Berkeley
Miss Kitty surely does have the good life!! She looks mighty fine!
Sylvia, Sam and Mojo!
I'm not a kitteh person,
but those lemons sure look inviting!
Ms Kitty sure has beautiful yellow eyes. And your lemon tree - marvelous! How I wish we could grow citrus up here in the wet PNW.
pretty yellow post, so cute. I love the way you posted your mosaic.
wow, this is beautiful, thanks for sharing.
Kitty looks comfortable and the lemons delicious!
the thought for the day is so true!
love your photos here and the thoughts in your post..
As lemons ripen
I dream of sixty pitchers
brimming with tart juice.
My Mellow Yellow
MISS kitty is a beauty! She looks great in her very own mosaic.
It looks like your Kitty is well loved and content. Cats are very independent creatures. Enjoyed your collage.
awesome mosaic of Ms. Kitty and the citrus tree...
thanks for the visit
Nice and I like lemons. Happy mellow yellow Monday.
Mmm...lemons off the tree. It would be so fine!
I'm guessing that dog doesn't live anywhere near you this winter. Isn't he having a great time?
Hi there, Ms. Kitty sure looks nice in the mosaic framed with yellow along with pictures of yellow trees and lemons. :)
aww thats one great mosaic!
u may view mine here
Fruit trees ripening in December?! Very nice.
Kitty is lucky to enjoy such warmth.
Cute kitty :) I can't believe how many Meyers you have, great looking tree! I have a puny one indoors. I got a lemon. Once. Enjoyed your mosaics!
A Meyer lemon tree? Lucky you! Ms Kitty in black is striking amongst the lemons. :)
Yummy lemons but it's that doggie/snow video that really has been going. What a riot. He looks like he is have a blast.
Oh, Ms Kitty is so lovely, and what a great pose!
Those lemons would be good with my tea, I am nursing a cold!
Like all cats Ms Kitty is SO wise ;-)
Love your mosaic, it is beautiful!
Merry Christmas ~
TTFN ~Marydon
Miss Kitty is so beautiful. I still need to post something for MYM!!!
cute cat!
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