Weekend Reflections & Camera Critters
are in the next post
Still waiting for rain
here in California ...
fortunately pansies
manage to survive
even when the weather's dry
pretty much year round ;-)
If the weather man
is correct wet stuph should fall
later on today
and on through next week
but it seems predicting rain's
not exact science

and for others participating in
Today's Flowers
Mosaic Monday
Mellow Yellow Monday
Ruby Tuesday

Addendum 6:33am Monday Morning
Delightfully, a
misty rain is drizzily
falling in a mist
just the kind of rain
Southern California
desperately needs
May it continue
steadily at this slow pace
to avoid flooding
while soaking the ground
raising water tables in
gradual manner
"The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it." Patrick Young
Pansies are such pretty little flowers, the colors on these are beautiful. I love the mosaic.
Through Squirrel Eyes
So pretty. So used to the purple and yellow these are striking.
Beautiful pansies!
Beautiful pansies mosiac! Great photos.
Our beautiful weather has given us these gorgeous blooms! My favorite is the dark red/burgundy!
Happy Holidays!
I love pansies! And these are lovely, such beautiful colors!
Have a great week!
I like the colour spreading over the corolla of the pansies. That's nature's miracle at work sped up by bees.
Yes, pansies thrive even in the harshest of season.
As for the rain, there is one thing that never fails my observation: no matter how the sun burns the world, the rain always fall every advent of the moon.
When rainfall comes at an unexpected time of any year, I always think ...ah the moonsoon rain...and instinctively would check the moon outside. And I often guess it right. haha
Coincidence? I don't know but it has now become a built-in and automated thinking of mine.
Have a blissful and blessed week because my gratitude is to Him who above who blessed me an unexpected job.
I'll start this Wednesday! and am truly thankful.
The pansies are beautiful. I have always loved pansies and associate them with my Grandmother who always had them in her garden.
What a beautiful flowers and your mosaic is so lovely!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Your pansies are beautiful and make for a stunning mosaic, happy MM, Kathy.
pretty pretty pansies! I have some on my blog too... or at least violas! It finally rained here last night!
Happy Monday!
Have a great week!
Love your pansies... So many pretty colors.
Hope you get rain soon. We got snow this week---not much but enough to be pretty. I posted pictures today.
It's nice to see the pansies. I won't be seeing any in my own gardens till next April - definitely not year-round flowers here in Ontario!
I have never seen ducklings sitting on the ducks like that. Great shot.
You may like this.
lovely flowers!
My Mellow Yellow Monday post.
I adore the colors in the pansies. I don't see that kind for sale much. And the butterfly below is gorgeous!
This is one of your mosaics with the background idea that I really like.
The pansies are a beautiful color!
Nicely done!
Beautiful mosaic and macros of pansies.
It is pretty and cool. Happy MYM!
So pansies don't need a lot of water? They are among the earliest flowers that gardeners in New Jersey put out in the spring. Yours are splendid colors. One of my favorite flowers.
Bright pansy faces,
do you smile for me only
or for everyone?
My Mellow Yellow
Lovely pansies!1 Thanks for sharing!
HRG: What a beautiful perennial that continues to give each year, great colors.
Pretty pansies. I always love their different faces.
Lovely pansies; you can always count on them. I had purple ones blooming still in my garden until we hit the minus 4! Hope your rain came.
lovely shots of these beautiful flowers with bright and mellow colors...and the mosaic is just awesome..
thanks for coming by at my mosaic
Love the pansies. My mom always grew pansies in her garden, and I miss seeing them. Thanks for sharing.
my monday photo
good old sturdy pansies!
I hope the rain falls just as you need it to
Beautiful pansies-Hope they stay around for you awhile.
I hope the gentle steady rain continues for your area that needs it. The pansies are delightful, I like the way you did the mosaic.
what a beautiful collage of beautiful flowers!
pansies always make me smile...as does the sound of gentle rain on my roof, which i can hear at this very minute :))
Such pretty pansies.
We've found your rain - it was so torrential here that half the streets in my city were under water when I went out to pick up the kids. Visibility was down to just a few feet, it was crazy. Short-lived, but very dramatic.
A lovely combination of memes. The colors of your pabsies are awesome!
Great multi-tasking here! I love pansies...they have such sweet faces. Nicely captured too!
You still have pansies growing and blooming? Around here the summer is deadly...they don't like the inferno.
I posted an ornament...a 50+ year old ornament!
My R T is HERE
beautiful flowers. I always have difficulty getting everything in focus when I shoot so close. Yours look great!
Flowers are always great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
pansies look pretty and vibrant. Beautiful captures!
My RT is here
My Mellow Yellow is here.
Your pansies look absolutely beautiful. No flowers here but a few snow flurries today and a storm coming in tomorrow night. Makes me want to come and visit you. LOL
Wishing you a great week.
Pretty collage! I heard it did rain today in Southern California...
Such pretty pictures (as yours always are -- everywhere)!
We just got back from a 5-day trip in our little B-van and I thought of your sister and b-i-l. Do you know whether they cook much when they're traveling in their van?
I like how you took the photo. The redish strikes on the flower made it more beautiful.
I hope you got some rain and will get even more. Your pansies are beautiful -- much nicer than ours. The snow has mostly gone so perhaps they will perk up for us.
thats a lovely flower! :)
u may view mine here
I just love those pansies and their beautiful colors Virginia...and I'm so glad you guys are getting that much need rain. We're getting SNOW...more today...steadily coming down as I'm typing at 9:00 in the morning. I hope it stops soon. I hope you are having lots of fun preparing for the holidays and that your Xmas will be wonderful dear friend. Much love, Joy
The pansies are gorgeous, storyteller! Perfect for a Ruby Tuesday post! :)
i was her yesterday and now I am back to share with you my Ruby
Ooo, your pansies are so pretty! And I think you got a lot of rain, didn't you? Thanks so much for sharing your lovely flowers at MM. :)
First I must apologize for being so far behind, blizzard, hubs home and underfoot, grandkids spent a night, and gingerbread houses have left me little time on the computer over the last few days.
I always love pansies! They are SO pretty and look like little faces!
Beautiful pansy's. One of my favorite flower. Thanks for stopping by today.
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