Wordless Wednesday on Wednesday is the next post

from Flickzzz

Thought for Today
"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour. if we will only tune in." George Washington Carver
6th Blog Blast for Peace
November 5, 2009
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And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!
The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say
Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony
"I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I wanted to do." Georgia O'Keefe
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true." Richard Bach
"Telling stories causes others to remember what they have always known." Anonymous
"Character is the bridge between our beliefs and our behavior. Character is the glue of personality, the connective tissue that makes a person whole, integrated, a person of integrity." Joan Konner, journalist
"What you choose not to look at in life, rules your life." Lynn Andrews
"Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"When a woman changes her life for the better, her entire family (whether or not she has children) generally benefits. She sets the tone. The well-being of the family and of society itself depends upon women becoming and remaining healthy. So we owe it to ourselves to put ourselves first and take the time we need to heal." Dr. Christiane Northrup
Storyteller, these are some great photos.especially the waterfall. Hugs and Blessings. Mike G. said that.
These are so beautiful,Storyteller. :) I haven't yet decided what to post for Thursday 13. I've been playing some Scrabble on Facebook and chatting with a good friend.
Which reminds me . . . Are you on Facebook? If so, please add me as a friend!
omg...this is so nature and beautiful..
Visit my T13 too : 13 things that happened...... Thanks
Wow, Storyteller, these are some really awesome photos. Thanks much for sharing them with us.
Happy T13!
Those are very nice. I love the one that is purplish and has rocks in the ocean. Thanks for visiting mine.
What great photos! Happy TT!
Love the last sunset, and the one on the left --the one of the autumn colors.
My T-13 is posted. Come by for a visit if you can find time.
those are some really great phots, nature is a great gift that people so often forget to stop and enjoy. Glad you liked my TT.
Beautiful pics! Even the winter ones. I prefer summer and beach though :o)
What gorgeous photos, storyteller! I want to steal one for my desktop! Happy TT13! :)
OOoooooo prety!
You post makes me want to take a vacation and see the world! Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
Did you take them all? They have inspired me to go outside now.
those glacier shots are awe inspiring! lovely photos to share for TT... enjoy your upcoming weekend ;)
Wonderful pictures.
I love nature pictures. Thanks for sharing these beautiful ones.
Oh Wow, what wonderful pictures.
These are beautiful pictures....reminding me that nature really is inspiring and full of marvels.
A lovely Thursday 13...thank you!
Mine is up too, at
Woohoo! I've the collage :) These are some truly amazing photos. All majestic in their own way.
Hope you had a lovely class today!
Great nature photos! This reminds us of God's wonderful creations as they ought to be...
If you have pet photos, come join us for a Furry Friday Fun! Have a great weekend.
Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing. My 13 things about the 13-year-old me is up here http://adamswife.wordpress.zazzysmilies.com/?p=470
Breathtaking photos, Storyteller. I'd love to walk into any one of them!
First visit...Beautiful photos and prose...
To everyone – Thanks for visiting my T-13 this week at Small Reflections. I’m almost a week behind in responding to comments here, and I apologize … but this past week was just too busy to keep up. I did visit most of you and intend to visit the rest today and over the weekend. I do appreciate you dropping by and sharing your thoughts … so thank you very much. I hope you’re having a fantastic Friday and enjoy your weekend.
This morning I learned Randy Pausch died and I’ve been listening again to the76-minute ‘Last Lecture’ he gave at Carnegie Mellon on September 18, 2007 … one month after he was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and given 3-6 months to live. If you’ve not listened to it lately (or at all) I highly recommend you make time to do so soon. It keeps ME ‘centered’ and ‘focused on what matters’ …
Hugs and blessings,
What beautiful photos. So peaceful looking.
I'll have to listen to that lecture, it sounds like something I could use.
Robin – I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and found them peaceful. Randy’s Last Lecture is life changing. There's something for everyone in it. I actually downloaded it today because I read somewhere they might remove it from YouTube. I can’t imagine that actually happening, but I’d rather be safe than sorry because I'm sure I'll want to listen again. Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful evening.
Hugs and blessings,
Storyteller, these are gorgeous photos!! hugs, Tina
Beautiful photos and the collage is magnificent.
Awe-inspiring photos--they kind of scare me with their beauty and majesty.
Tina, Raven, and Karen
I’m delighted to find your comments this morning and am happy you enjoyed these amazing nature photos from Flickzzz. Methinks it’s good to take time to pause and reflect upon such beauty in the midst of our overly busy lives, I hope you’re all having a wonderful week.
Hugs and blessings,
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