Make Time for Small Reflections
This is my 2nd ...
Lately Molly's been
featured in my weekend posts.
Today Ms. Kitty's
on view living life
lazily ... exhibiting
Originals - straight out of the camera
Click to embiggen for better viewing ...

Poster Edges ... just because I like the effect
Click to embiggen for better viewing ...
With 61 days left until my 2nd Blogoversary, I noticed in this morning's email these 'stats' from SiteMeter. Small Reflections Site Summary
Total ....................... 25,498
Average per Day ................. 43
Average Visit Length .......... 5:24
This Week ...................... 302
Page Views
Total ....................... 54,120
Average per Day ................. 84
Average per Visit .............. 1.9
This Week ...................... 585
It's hard to imagine my Small Reflections blog has had so many visitors and page views, but I'm truly grateful my efforts to share have been so well received. What I've come to understand is that many more 'visit' than comment. With this in mind, I offer this token of my appreciate (in two variations) to all who visit & comment ... to snag, enjoy, and share with others as you choose. You're also invited to check out Blog Rolls & Bling where you'll find other awards I've created and shared previously. I'm not much for 'rulez' but I would enjoy knowing who accepts &/or passes the awards along so I can visit too ... just because ;--)
At left, Original's (straight out of the camera) and with Poster Edges on the right.
Click to embiggen for better viewing ...To all the 'lurkers' out there, I'm glad you've discovered my blogs and invite you to take a moment to say 'howdy-do' so that I can visit you in return.
Small Reflections ... Smile Back
Thought for Today
"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be." Douglas Pagels